
We have a winner!

Congratulations to #33 BrineS who said...These are BEAUTIFUL! I put all 58 numbers into a random number generator and it chose 33. Thank you to everyone who participated and for all of the wonderful comments. I enjoyed my first ever giveaway!

If I don't hear from the winner by Monday at 7pm, I'll pick another...and I will email you too.


BrineS said...

These are so beautiful! How exciting to win! I sent an email your way with my Michigan address! I hope you get it soon!

Do you make these often? I'm thrilled to win. I'd love to showcase your fantastic work at my blog sometime. I see that you have a new little bundle of love and that means you are busy. Please let me know if you are interested in being featured at my blog, Comfort Joy Designs, sometime. We can work out the details later!

Have A Happy Day!
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs

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