
Let's Get Naked! {Giveaway}

With summer officially here in the northern hemisphere, my attentions have turned to my garden. I try to go organic as much as I can in our yard, from composting to avoiding pesticides. I have been known to use a little Miracle Gro on my flowers, but those synthetic fertilizers may make the plants look great for a little while, but in the end, they really stress them out.

Royal Ranch's Naked Nure is a wonderful product for indoor and outdoor gardeners who don't have access to manure to help nurture our plants. And you may know that manure is great for plants, which is why farmers spread it over their fields, in spite of the smell.

Naked Nure is essentially a "tea bag" filled with, um, llama poop.
Before you go getting grossed out, let me assure you that it's really not disgusting. The pellets come in a papery bag, and they are dried out. So when you're using these, you don't actually have to touch the poop. They do smell slightly of manure, but I only smell it when I'm a few feet away. And it's really not such a bad smell.
You toss the packet in about 5 gallons of water and let it sit for a few hours, until the water is dark brown. The bucket above was only sitting for about an hour. Once you have your wonder water, you can transfer it to a watering can and go nuts on your garden.

I've reused the packets a few times, and when they're spent, I just toss the pellets around the base of the plants. They'll eventually break down and add more nutrients to the soil.

According to founders Tom and Judy Jeute
Naked~Nure is 100% all natural llama manure in handy, eco-friendly, reusable tea bags. Llama manure is higher in nutrients than any other barnyard animal and can be used immediately, thanks to the very efficient three chamber stomach of the llama. We have created two types of tea bags, one for indoor use and one for outdoor. Both bags are made of recycled materials and can be reused.
Tom and Judy raise the llamas on their ranch, Royal Ranch, which is also a secluded B&B in the Colorado Rockies, and they "harvest" the llama manure to sell to gardeners. So why use manure at all? Manure contains the 3 essential nutrients for plants--nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Fresh manure from cows and horses can burn plants if used immediately, but llama manure can be used directly on the plants without harm.

I've tried them out on my hanging baskets and tomatoes and the results are impressive. Here's how they looked when I first planted them in May
And look at them now, barely a month later!
Now I do need to admit that we've had so much rain and cool weather this month, which may be why my plants don't look so heat-stressed, but I do think that the Naked Nure is giving my plants what they want.

Judy is adding a little freebie if you order some Naked Nure of your own--llama wool for your garden's feathered friends. Since many organic gardeners are bird watchers, this would be a nice little treat for the birds to use in their nests. If you order a bag of Naked Nure (only about $12), she'll throw in a bag of llama wool. Just mention you saw her products on Katydid and Kid.

How would you like to try out Naked Nure? I have a bag of 5 Naked Nure packets for you, all packaged up in this little tote that Judy sews herself
To Enter:
Visit Naked Nure or Royal Ranch and leave a comment about something that intrigued you, or why you'd like to try this, or something about your garden. Make it interesting people, it's poop we're talking about here!
Extra Entries (leave a separate comment for each one):
  • Blog about this contest (2 entries--leave 2 comments)
  • Subscribe to my updates
  • Follow me on Blogger
  • Follow me on Twitter (Katydidandkid) and tweet this giveaway, leaving a link to your tweet in the comments. You can simply copy and paste my tweet, if you'd like: Go Green in the garden! Win a set of 5 Natural Gardening Compost Tea Bags http://bit.ly/18SHjA @katydidandkid
  • Vote for me in the BloxLuxe awards (Swiffer Cleanest Blog). It's the first category, and just enter your email address for Katydid and Kid. Let me know the number of votes there in your comment. You can do this once every day, and you can leave an additional comment.
  • 2009 BlogLuxe Awards
  • Vote for Mom Most Traveled in the BlogLuxe Awards for Blog You've Learned the Most From (last category). Also leave the number of votes that were there when you voted. You can do this once every day, and you can leave an additional comment.
This giveaway is for US postal addresses only.
You must do the first entry in order to enter ("I want to win, thanks!" comments will NOT be considered). You will have until Sunday July 5th at 11:59pm EST to enter. The winners will be chosen via random number generator the next day and notified by email. I'll also post the winners on my blog. If I don't hear back from the winner by Thursday at noon, I'll pick another.


andrea v said...

This product sounds very interesting. I would love to try it on my garden. This is our first year planting a garden and could use any help I can get.

nfmgirl said...

I'd love to try this! I'm trying my hand at gardening, and this would be a great alternative to other fertilizers. This is sort of like compost tea, which I don't have the benefit of, because I have an open compost.

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

Naomi said...

I love the cartoon of the naked gardener. Hilarious! I also have massive llama envy.

Over Coffee - the green edition said...

How I can I not enter a llama poop tea bag contest! ;-) I am using worm poop on my garden right now so it would be interesting to see how the different veggies grow with the different kinds of poops. I learned that the next time I am in CO I am going to go on a llama adventure. I might be able to convince the hubby to do the half-day. Sounds like great fun!

Anonymous said...

i've never heard of such a thing, but as an advocate of rabbit manure, i am really interested to see more.


Stephanie said...

I can't believe I'm *trying* to win manure! But this sounds like a great product, and the tea bags are a great alternative to purchasing actual manure for the garden, which is heavy and messy!

I love the little naked farmer drawing on their website. :)

Stephanie said...

I follow on Twitter and tweeted here: http://twitter.com/stlyhu/status/2286278338

Stephanie said...

It's interesting that they have both an indoor product and an outdoor product. I am a novice gardener and am not eager to work with regular manure. This looks like something I could do.

Thanks for offering this.

susan said...

I've never heard of this but it sounds pretty neat and easy to use. I'd love it for my hubby who is a gardener.

susan said...

I follow on twitter and tweeted. https://twitter.com/susanlanai/status/2288964611

Anonymous said...

I'd give it a try. I never thought to out manure into water to make fertilizer! I have access to goat poo but I wonder if Llama poo is better? Anybody out there know?!?

lbaran @ pcsedu.com

randio said...

I can't believe I'm entering a contest to win llama poop! Hey, if it helps my plants grow, I'm in.

Shana said...

If you could see my flowers, you wouldn't ask why I want to win this. I am against chemicals...so I've got to try something. The flowers are looking very sad at the moment, and I hardly have a green thumb. I'll try anything!

throuthehaze said...

My mom could use this. Its her first garden at the house she is living at now and the soil isnt all that great.

elkaye said...

I'm trying to sprout seeds and a product from another company has ruined my first batch. The Naked Nure actually sounds like a nautral way of getting my seeds to grow.

So I hope I win the poop! :D


elkaye said...

I follow on twitter (@Elkaye) and tweeted:



Christy5150 said...

Okay, this is genius! I was excited to find worm poop at Target, but this is even better!

The only trick would be to keep my dogs from drinking it while it is sitting in the bucket in the backyard. They are doo-doo connoisseurs.

Joannie said...

I'm an organic gardener, and always looking for healthy alternatives to fertilizer! This product sounds great!! Thanks for the chance to learn about Naked Nure!!

JamericanSpice said...

This sounds quite interesting. This will be my first gardening project ever so I'd love to win this.

Tiffany said...

Wow! Judy is actually a friend of mine, and I have used her llama poo tea - with great success! She and her husband have an impressive comittment to the environment and buying handmade. I think it bears mentioning that Judy works REALLY hard not to use any kind of plastic in her packaging, and uses reclaimed materials wherever she can. She also runs truckloads of recycling from my school every week down to the recycling center in town, and goes so far as to SORT our kids' refuse to get the aluminum cans out, and gives the money back to our school. LOVE THIS LADY!! :-D

Miriam said...

These look crazy...I am very interested in trying it out on our garden. This is our first vegetable garden so we want to make it grow well!

Bebemiqui said...

My soil can use all the help it can get.

Deborah said...

I'm amazed that because of their stomach structure, their manure can be used right away. asthenight at gmail dot com

Jessilyn82 said...

This looks awesome! I've always heard llama pellets are good for compost but never had the chance to try it, my plants would drink this stuff up :)

Jessilyn82 said...

I follow on Twitter and left a tweet http://twitter.com/Jessilyn82/status/2320483476

OSUfanz said...

I'd love to try this! my garden could use the help

I'd love to win this prize, thanks for sponsoring this.


NateAndJakesMom said...

Maybe I just need a vacation but I visited there site that talks about the Royal Roost. My husband would love to go there to be with nature - There is a kitchen and I assume a flushing toilet so I say win-win, right?

nateandjakesmom at gmail dot com

NateAndJakesMom said...

I follow on Twitter and I tweeted:


nateandjakesmom at gmail dot com

NateAndJakesMom said...

I voted for you on Blogluxe you had 395 and my vote would be 396.

NateAndJakesMom said...

I voted for Mom Most Traveled on Blogluxe. She had 361 votes and I was 362.

nateandjakesmom at gmail dot com

Cindy said...

Loved the little comic/drawing at NatureNure. This stuff sounds great. Didn't know Llama poop was soo good.

Lia said...

about my garden, well it only consists of tomato plants but that's enough for us since there's only the 3 of us in the family here. No flowers on them yet but my husband put them in kind of late around june 4.

Lia said...

Voted-- my vote made 415 for you.

I used this email to vote skyskyaa11(at)gmail.com

jennem said...

We have a number of community garden plots. This would be great for fertilizing them--we make some compost in our kitchen, but we don't have enough room to make enough for all our plots.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I am the worst gardener in the world, so I'd love to see if this could help my poor plants!

paula h said...

I would love to win this to use in my garden. Our garden is doing pretty good but the cucumbers need a little help.


Egare1 said...

I'd love to be able to tell people I won poop on the internet! :D

Plus, it would be awesome for my garden. I can grow basil ok, but my peppers are all dying and my cucumbers got eaten!

heaventrees said...

I am growing my own tomatoes this year and I committed to only organic methods. I would love to try Naked Nure on them.

Rachel said...

I think it is cool that these folks were able to spin off another business from the waste from their Llama Adventures... this is a green business and a sustainable practice. good works.

Pam said...

I have to admit when I first started reading this I thought ewwww.....but then I saw your pictures of how easy it was and read your review and then I was sold! I'd love to try some of this on my plants! Thanks.


Sheila R said...

I LOVE THIS! Ok I am gonna sound like a complete nutcase. I love Llamas I know it is their poop but I think my garden would benefit from it. Ok my dying Tomato plants and flowers. I have a newer house and the under the dirt is a bunch of rocks so eventually I am going to have to fix that but I think this would help so much. If you are wondering why I have a fasination with Llamas it is because when I was in high school there was a teacher who said he ate llamas. so it turned in to this big long inside joke.

tina said...

my garden could really use this. I liked the cartoon of the naked gardener very funny thanks for the chance eaglesforjack@gmail.com

Teresha and Damon said...

I am fascinated by the photo of the llama poop...it looks so pebbly. that being said, we have been composting our organic waste for our lawn and garden, Naked Nure would give our liquid stew a boost.

erma said...

This product sounds very interesting.

lezanac said...

I would love to try this in my veggie garden lezanac@yahoo.com

mich0825 said...

very cool- I like that it isn't horrifically smelly the way that actual mounds of manure are :)

Marianna said...

We have a few small veggie and herb pots in the backyard - this looks like it'd be perfect for our small container garden!

Kate said...

In the summer heat, it's hard to keep plants from drying out- Maybe with this product it will cultivate the plants better!


kathy pease said...

i love that its higher in nutrients than regular cow manure thats what i usually use for my gardens.i love flowers and i grow daffodils,tulips,lilies,butterfly bushes,purple coneflower,black eyed susans,rose of sharon,tons of hostas,astillbe,coreopsis.lilacs,peonies..oh i could go on and on gardening is my favorite hobby :)

kathy pease said...

following your blog as klp1965
kathy pease

kathy pease said...


missrantsypants said...

We have our first garden this year! Im so proud of it too. Im out there every day checking on it, and making sure its not being dug up, or pecked at by pesky birds.


nsord33 said...

I SOOOOO want to win this! I tried using cow manure ten years ago and I started retching in the car while transporting it home from the store. This products sounds great!

kakihara said...

Sounds great--my husband and I are very committed to our garden --and are constantly reading about different things to try---just so much info out there and it's all conflicting info--thanks for the chance to win!!

blueviolet said...

My garden looks like nure already so why not add some llama nure and see what happens! The south side of my house takes a beating from the sun and those poor little planties could use any extra nourishment to help them stay strong.

blueviolet said...

I did vote for you (but like I mentioned it hung there. I tried 3 times but then I didn't want them to think I was trying to do something untoward so I stopped. It was at 526)

kylie8cake said...

I would love to win this for my mom. She is a master gardener and I think she would like something like this.


trixpixel said...

My mom is an avid gardener, except she doesn't plan anything out so her garden looks like it exploded into a crazy jungle. Would love to win this so her jungle can overtake the house.

Tylerpants said...

I would love to give this a try! For the life of me, I can't get my
lavender plants to grow. Maybe it's just missing some llama poop!

nightowl said...

I am quite intrigued by the concept of llama poop for my garden. My dad used to get a tuck load of chicken manure and the neighbors weren't too excited since we didn't live on a farm. I think the llama poop idea sounds better.

NesieBird said...

I had a little spot plowed up this year for my garden, adding some mulch -- but no compost, as it was not available -- to the soil. I am growing radishes, beets, a variety of lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, squash, and my favorite, tomatoes. The radishes are ready to eat, but the rest have a bit to go until I can pick them.

kneecree at gmail dot com

lilyk said...

I would like to try this because it sounds very interesting!

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