July 14, 2023

Lazy or Benevolent?

In addition to Oscar our cat, we have another animal friend that likes to hang out in our backyard, near the garden specifically. Our neighborhood is hopping with them--rabbits. So far our garden fence has been working well, but there's a little one enjoys nibbling the clover that grows amongst our crabgrass.

Last week I peeked out at our cat sitting out in the yard, as he does most days, and saw this:
What??!! Aren't cats and rabbits mortal enemies? Either my cat is 1). ultra-lazy or 2). just generating some good karma. I'm hoping our Buddhist-tendencies toward benevolence are rubbing off on him too.
But seriously Oscar, don't let me catch you behaving like that if we ever find mice in our house.


  1. Now that a wonderful capture! I had a couple cat that would not bother the mice,lol.
    My WW link for you

  2. Wow! I don't know what our cats would have done. Well, no Char would have attacked the rabbit before the bunny even knew what to think. Athena, I'm not so sure. She'd probably bark at it like she does bugs. :D

  3. Oh, I'm glad they shared the yard in harmony! LOL!

  4. LOL, that is tooooooooooooo funny!!!

  5. I had no clue they were supposed to be mortal enemies :)

    This is too funny!

  6. How funny! :) We used to have a cat in our neighborhood (aptly named Scout) that would catch baby rabbits all the time. The moms in the neighborhood were mortified by this of course and were constantly "rescuing" the baby rabbits. That family moved away and now the rabbits are eating our gardens. Go figure.

  7. I think he is generating good karma! Maybe his lives are running short and he figures if he builds up more karma, it might translate into more lives? That is just crazy though. Pretty cool!

  8. We got a new little kitty last month (Destiny) and another little one last week (Derby). Derby looks just like your Oscar!

  9. ha! i would not have believed it without pictures!


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