December 13, 2023

Elf Antics

Martin, our house elf, has been quite busy this month.  After eating saltines and drinking ice water each night, he tiptoes about the house, creating surprises for us in the mornings.  Today he made a snowman out of marshmallows and icing for Soren (tsk, tsk, Martin, no marshmallows for breakfast!). He must really miss his home at the North Pole, because there's been so much snow making around here, especially the paper kind.
That Martin is pretty crafty with scissors and paper.  
Soren was delighted to discover this on the kitchen table one morning.  I think Martin is running out of creative ideas though *wink*.

So far he has built an igloo out of cans from my pantry, drew snowflakes on our windows with window crayons, gotten wrapped up in toilet paper while trying to replicate a winter wonderland, and made a mess of flour on the table that we found him sledding in one morning.

In addition to his usual saltine crackers, he's raided our pantry and discovered a love of peanut butter, ketchup, pretzels, and sprinkles.  And what a sprinkle-y mess indeed, as you can see above.

We love this little elf, and will miss him when he leaves soon.  Until then, Martin, please be of some use too!  I did like that one morning when I awoke to clean dishes.


  1. I love how mischievous Martin is!

  2. Okay, an elf that does dishes... I wonder if he likes Chanukah? LOL

  3. He does dishes too???? Does he have a brother?

  4. Hehe! I seriously love whoever created these little elves-It brings the magic of Christmas and Santa to a whole different level for kids :)


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