
Porn for New Moms: It's Not What You Think!!

Have you seen this book?
Before your dirty mind starts heading toward the gutter, let me explain. It's a hilarious book, filled with images that will get any mama's heart (and loins) racing--hot guys doing housework and eagerly caring for baby.
Sure your girlfriends can drop their babies off here while you girls go to the bar.
The more the merrier!

I told my boss I have to leave at 3:00 every afternoon so I can come home and give you a break.

My favorite one that I didn't have a photo of reads "Every time I see a cute, young co-ed these days, all I can think is Potential Babysitter!"

My husband was vacuuming dust bunnies the other weekend (real dust bunnies, like behind the couch, not just a quick go-over of the living room carpet) and I said to him "Watch out or I'm going to take your photo for some mommy porn." He was very confused, and maybe even a little embarrassed, and thought that maybe he had a plumber's crack showing. He understood what I meant when I showed him this book.

Thanks for sharing this J!


mannequin said...

That's hilarious! When I first clicked to come over and saw the title, I nearly peed my pants.
Eeek! But everything is okay now.

At least you had a photo shoot opportunity, mine never once saw a dirty diaper. I think it's fabulous how Dads are taking a more active role ; it's even become fashionable with all the manly diaper bags and such. Yes, a good Dad is attractive.

(and next time I go shopping at KOP, I'm wearing old lady shoes)

Right...I love the last one "I told my boss..." Sure.

shellydelight.etsy.com said...

My sister acutally got this for her birthday...


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