
Vista Print--Bad, Bad Company

This is my first time to be using my blog as a complaint forum, but I'm so mad that I have to blog about this. A few months ago, I ordered some address labels and business cards from Vista Print, since I've seen good reviews on them on other websites, and also because their products were reasonably priced. I ordered my items in the fall, and they arrived in a week or so. I was very happy with the products and went about my life as usual.

Fast forward to my credit card statement a few months later. I just realized that they've been charging $14.95 a month for some rewards program that I never signed up for. WTF?!! What "rewards" am I paying for anyway? After some online research, I found that this is a pretty common scam that they've been doing to people who order their products. Check out the complaints HERE.

After multiple attempts to contact Vista Print's customer service, I was able to cancel my "subscription" electronically over the phone and when I spoke to Tamika, she said my card would be credited. Until that happens though, I'm leaving this post up. Unfortunately, I doubt that I'll see results and will most likely need to go through the hassle of canceling my credit card. I'll keep you updated, but in case you were thinking of buying some invitations, cards, or other things, STAY AWAY FROM VISTA PRINT and their "amazing" trial offers!!

Update: My card was eventually credited, surprisingly.


Jennifer said...

Thank you for the heads up. I a sory you are going through all this hassle. I hate when companies do stuff like that. I hope they promptly credit your card.

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

After I ordered a book through shutterfly there was {I'm assuming} a similar "offer" but it wasn't a shutterfly offer...A lot of customers had mistakenly accepted and were charged a monthly fee as well. Hoping you get that resolved quick. That totally sucks. =(

CanCan (MomMostTraveled) said...

Oh no! I ordered from Vista print about 6 months ago and I don't think this happened to me. I better check my CC statement though.

Carolsue said...

Same here...I've ordered from them before and don't think I was ever charged anything additional. I seem to recall, though, at the end it gave you the option of accepting certain offers--could you have mistakenly checked something that caused this to happen? Or maybe these offers were already checked and you had to UNCHECK them? Sneaky, but I've seen that before...

Nicole said...

This happened to me! Thankfully my husband caught it on our statement right away...I called Customer Service and they took off the charges immediately, but I told them that was enough for me to NEVER order from them again! Ugh. What a horrible way to scam people!!!

Shelley said...

Hey, thanks for giving us all the warning. I too have ordered from them. I haven't seen any charges other than my original charge but I will be sure to keep an eye and may now be more hesitant to order in the future if I hear that others, too, have had similar problems. In today's economy, there are just too many GOOD companies that we can give our business too-right??

Mandy said...

Stopping by From Erin's blog (Mrs. Cox)....

I have seen your buttons all over cyberspace! I enjoyed reading and I will be back! :)

Shana said...

You should check with Zandra (my old assistant) about this company...I'm pretty sure she uses them for print jobs at work. This used to tug at my conscience, as I had heard somewhere that they print this stuff offshore in places where people don't earn fair wages, but I never had the opportunity to investigate that. Also, the fair wage rumor could have been about one of the other "cheap" printers we engaged from time to time.

blueviolet said...

I used them once a few years ago and I never had a problem but this may be something new they're doing. I hope you get it fixed soon!

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