
Review/Giveaway: Banana Nut Cheerios Gift Basket

We are cereal junkies around here for a few reasons. 1. It's cheap. 2. It's quick to make. 3. It's relatively healthy (and can satisfy a sweet craving on occasion). Mr. Geek and I mostly go for the bran-y, crunchy, plain stuff like shredded wheat and Cheerios and dress it up with bananas or other fruit. Lately, I've been neglectful of making frequent visits to the store, so there are some mornings that we are scrounging for something to sweeten up our cereal. I'm not a fan of raisins, so if we don't have bananas or berries, I just go without :(.

But General Mills has saved us. They've just released a new Cheerios® flavor--Banana Nut Cheerios®, and it's really good. It tastes like--you guessed it---bananas, but it's not overpowering like some artificially flavored cereals can be. The banana taste is really natural, although I really didn't taste much of the "nut" flavor. But that's ok, because it's the banana that I was going for.

I like that this cereal's first ingredient is whole grain corn, followed by sugar (not high-fructose corn syrup) and then whole grain oats. And 3/4 of a cup contains 100 calories, which is reasonable for those of us watching our waists.

General Mills would like to give 3 Winners a chance to try out Banana Nut Cheerios®. They are offering a Banana Nut Cheerios® Gift basket, complete with a box of cereal, a fruit basket/banana holder, 2 cereal bowls and a bread pan.
To enter:
1. Visit the Banana Nut Cheerios website and leave a comment on this post with your favorite recipe OR what you like to put in your Cheerios®.
2. Make sure your email address is in the comment or is easily accessible via your blog profile or blog itself. I need a way to contact you!
3. For one extra entry, blog about this post and leave a separate comment letting me know
4. For a second extra entry, post my button (code is on my right hand sidebar) on your blog OR subscribe to my updates and let me know you've done this in a separate comment.
5. For a third extra entry, Twitter this giveaway and leave a link to your Tweet. You can follow me under Katydidandkid.

This giveaway is for US and Canadian postal addresses only.

You must do the first two things in order to enter ("I want to win, thanks!" comments will NOT be considered). You will have until Saturday February 28th at 11:59pm EST to enter. The winners will be chosen via random number generator the next day and notified by email. I'll also post the winners on my blog. If I don't hear back from the winner by Wednesday at noon, I'll pick another.

Thanks to My Blog Spark and General Mills for sponsoring this contest.


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Anonymous said...

I like to eat my with Vanilla flavored soy milk. It tastes really good.


lilaura5 said...

I like the sound of the Cheerios Strawberry-Banana Shake. Sounds delicious and it would be something my whole family would really enjoy.


Reva Skie said...

I don't want anything in my cheerios except for the cereal and the milk. If it aint broke.....

scottsgal said...

We love bananas and actually that is what we love to put in cheerios, corn flakes and other cereals. thanks

leslie l said...

I love blueberries in my Cheerios bowl - you can't go wrongwith this combo!

Stacey Brown said...

The Chocolate-Banana Bread recipe sounds wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

geekbearinggifts said...

I've always loved bananas on my cereal, so Banana Nut Cheerios intrigue me. Of the recipes, the Tropical Banana Nut Parfaits sound best to me. Thanks for the offer!

Marilyn said...

I like to put dried cranberries on my cheerios and of course bananas.

Anonymous said...

Well our favorite thing to but in Cheerios is honey...we just pour it on we think it tastes much better then Honey Nut Cherrios


Sara said...

Bananas and strawberries are my favorite things to put in Cheerios!

Jill said...

I luv Blueberries on my Cheerios!

Thanks for a Great Giveaway :)

Deb said...

We eat cheerios all the time and put whatever fruit is in season on them. Lately, it's been a lot of bananas, but in the summer we eat them a lot with strawberries and blueberries.

Thanks for the great giveaway.

Eddie said...

The Chocolate-Banana bread looks great. I like to add blueberies to everything but I think my toddler would like this cereal with "nanas" just as it is!

erind35 (at) yahoo (dot) ca

tatertot374 said...

I really like them plain. Straight out of the box with no milk. The best snack ever! lol. Thank you for a great giveaway!

booklover said...

I like my cereal plain (without milk) as a snack food so I wouldn't add anything to it.

Anonymous said...

love cherios I hope this comes to canada lynnbeaniethethird@yahoo.ca

Liz said...

My favorite cereal my whole life has been Honey Nut Cheerios with bananas. Now, I really want to try this!

Jane said...

I really like bananas and nuts so these Cheerios should be the best.

joni said...

I like my Cheerio's just alone by the handfuls!

makeetis said...

Actually my whole family loves bananas in our cheerios. We have had strawberries but we all seem to like the bananas more.

mindy said...

i like all sorts of fruit and a little cereal thanks for the giveaway

Molly K said...

I usually put sliced strawberry's on my Cheerios. And I love these new Cheerios. They are so good.

littlelatina said...

my son loves bananas! As for cheerios it is in our top 5 cereals at home. Wonderfully healthy!

Muthering Heights said...

I'm drooooooooooooooooling over the concept of banana date muffins! Yum!!


eyeslikesugar said...

The Chocolate-Banana Bread looks soooo good! I never thought of banana bread using banana cheerios; how clever! Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I like to put blueberries in my cereal. I think banana-blueberry would be delicious!!


Super Blogger Girl! said...

I put vanilla soy milk in my cherrios! yummy!


Jennyd said...

I love to add fresh Strawberry's and yoguhrt in the morning. Even though the best thing I have had in a long time was when my girlfriends and I decided that instead of Marshmallows we wanted cheerios in our hot coco. It was worth a try and turned out to be even more fun than the marshmallows. ;-)

tilldawn said...

I would like to put bananas and strawberries on my cheerios along with whole milk and sugar.

Christina said...

Christina - xristya@rock.com - I like to put strawberries in my Cheerios, when possible, although these Banana Nut giveaways wouldn't even need them!

kathy pease said...

the Banana Nut Cheerios® Nature Bars and the Crunchy-Topped Strawberry-Kiwi Parfaits sound really yummy

aumissal said...

the only way we eat cherrios is with bananas.


Nicole D said...

I like strawberries, dried fuit or granola in my cereal.


idahomom said...

I eat my cheerios with blueberries or strawberries and vanilla yogurt.

Nickolay said...

I like bananas and strawberry's in my Cherios. That is what I love.


livingmyhappilyeverafter said...

Don't get grossed out, but I like fresh pineapple in my cheerios.

BusyBee055 said...

The best thing for Cheerios is Banana Slices! So, I would add this to Banana Nut Cheerios as well.
Sounds Yummy!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Sarah Z said...

Would love to make the Chocolate Banana Bread! Yum
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

angie said...

I hadn't heard of this yet, and I'm so excited. I'm sure it'll be a HUGE success! I personally like sliced strawberries in my cheerios.

Jenndiggy said...

I like bananas in my cheerios. Of course, I still like to snack on cheerios dry. :) I don't remember having them as a snack growing up, but as an adult they've become a staple.

heaventrees said...

The Chocolate Banana Bread recipe sounds great. I will be trying that.

Max and Ali's Dad said...

Usually I put Strawberries drizzled with a light dusting of Splenda (I like it sweet)on my Cheerios in the morning!

pauline15 said...

I put bananas on almost everything, they taste great, always available and an easy fruit to get my kids to eat. I've always put them on their Cheerios when we have them!
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com

Kasey Reon said...

What a wonderful combination! Cheerios are great to begin with but now Banana Nut. Yummmm. I think the recipe on the site for the Banana-Date Muffins sounds really good.

Jennirae said...

I like the recipe for the Banana Nut Snack Bars. This would be a good treat to send to school with my daugther. Thanks for the giveaway.

lilshuga2001 said...

I always put strawberries in my cherrios~
Thanks for the giveaway~


tesashel said...

I love bananas on my Cheerios, or just plain. They're still very good plain.

rosannepm said...

I've always sliced up a banana to put in my cereal so this is pretty cool that the
Cheerios are now flavored with bananas too

paula h said...

I like my Cheerios plain with just a little sugar sprinkled on top. This is the way my Mom always fixed it for me when I was a kid so I still eat it that way :)

Jayfr said...

This sounds good. I'd try the recipe for Banana Nut Snack Bars.

Anonymous said...

I love bananas and cheerios.


jodene said...

My daughter loves bananna's in her ceral - this would be perfect for her.

Sue said...

These look yummy. I love sliced strawberries in my cheerios! Thanks for sharing~

Anonymous said...

The Energy Bar recipe sounds good! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net

tlcfromtn said...

I mostly eat Cheerios with nothing but milk. Once in a while I put bananas in it. Thanks for the giveaway!

braaisjo at gmail dot com

leandrew said...

I'm a subscriber! And I love the 'Crunchy-Topped Strawberry-Kiwi Parfait' recipe! Yum! Yum! Yummy!

Thanks for the 'great' giveaway offering!

Good luck to all!

joahsgrandma said...

omg ... Crunchy-Topped Strawberry-Kiwi Parfaits sound and look yummy

joahsgrandma said...

I'm following you on Twitter and I tweeted the giveaway at

elizabeth said...

Cheerios? I grew up with cheerios. Its a comfort food with me.
Like everyone else, i slice bananas on my cheerios. (or peaches, or strawberries)
We're never without a box of cheerios in our home. My kids will even eat them dry while watching tv! How cool is that?? Much better than eating a bowl of potato chips!

Thank you for the chance on winning this great giveaway.

ps..one more good thing about cheerios? They helped me toilet train my son. I would drop 4 or 5 cheerios in the toilet and tell him to aim. lol Worked like a charm.
Thanks cheerios!


KPort207 said...

I like to put bananas on my cheerios. Thanks for the chance to win!

kport207 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'd like to try the Tropical Banana Nut Parfaits recipe. Thanks.
-Terra H.

Nathalie Brault said...

Hi I like the chocolate banana bread and I never put anything in my cereals.


Nathalie Brault said...

You button is on my blog


Anonymous said...


Darcy said...

My favorite thing to put on my Cheerios is bananas or raspberries. Thank you for the giveaway!

coriwestphal said...

This is bad but I put about 2 tbsp of sugar on my Cheerios! I also add strawberries so the good outweighs the bad, right? Thanks!

mgster said...

In the summer I put strawberries and blueberries from my garden on my Cheerios. But the rest of the time I put a half of a banana sliced on my Cheerios. That's why when I saw this new Cheerios with Bananas I was very interested in trying it. Unfortunately, my grocery store still has not gotten any in. But I will keep watching for it! Thanks for the giveaway. cmflan122@gmail.com

omaha98 said...

I have to WIN this one, Banana-Nut Cheerios are my favorite.... I'll be knockin' on wood!

pitaharmon said...

That chocolate banana bread recipe they have-hubby recently made that. I love to put bananas on my cheerios. We are cheerio fans here at my house!

Anonymous said...

The recipe I would most like to try would have to be the chocolate-banana bread. I make a good banana bread but adding chocolate is a great idea!
rmo210 at sbcglobal dot net

Brooke said...

Wow tons of neat recipe ideas.. Here we put cinnamon and whichever fruit we have on hand... However, I'm going to have to try the chocolate banana bread recipe... think DH and wee man would love it

Karen said...

Thanks for the contest. I like a little sugar and bananas on my cheerios.

Taylor said...

Hi .. after looking over the recipes I liked the Frosty, the Cheery Snowman recipe. I like that it only takes an hour from start to finish to make those handsome darling little treats and what kid (or adult) wouldn't love to bite into one of them?:)

Taylor said...

I blogged at http://skyxsky27.blogspot.com/2009/02/attention-please-hurry-to-possibly-win.html


Taylor said...

I just posted your button on my blog.



Taylor said...




texasheartland said...

I have ALWAYS loved putting bananas in my Cherrios!


Anonymous said...

I like the Banana Nut Cheerios Nature Nut Bar Recipe.

Melanie said...

Ack, I really want to try the recipe for the Jumbo Breakfast Cookies!


Helen S said...

We like to put strawberries and Blueberries in Cheerios.

kal said...

I always put sliced bananas on my cereal, so that would be perfect for banana nut cheerios. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


MAW said...

boring...but i like to put bananas in my cheerios....

Naddez said...

I'm a subscriber.

(Please include this email address in previous comment, Naddez)

Ardy22 said...

tweeted you


JillianLVeit said...

I like to put strawberries in my cerial...so this flavor of cheerios would go great!

*~Dani~* said...

Actually my favorite thing to put in Cheerios is bananas, so this is perfect!

kerri69 said...

The choclate banana bread looks yummy and so do the cinnamon banana snack mix sounds really good they have alot of good recipies and i like bananas in my cereal

mikepaul said...

I usually buy the flavored Cheerios lately so add-ins aren't all that common anymore, but I do like blueberries...

morhun6 said...

Mmmm...the Banana-Cinnamon Snack Mix and the Chocolate Banana bread look so yummy!!! we love cereal here too!! Thanks for the cool giveaway!!


Tammie said...

If I add anything besides milk to my cereal, it's usually slices of banana (go figure) :)


Emily B. said...

I like sliced bananas and honey.


jo1brat said...

We love to put bananas or blueberries I am so looking forward to trying the banana nut

jsc123 said...

We love to put either sliced bananas or fresh berries in our Cheerios. And they are definitely a staple in our home.
Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway :)

lisalmg said...

I love putting bananas, strawberries and chocolate chips in my Cheerios. Thanks!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I want to try the recipe for the banana nut snack bars. Looks delish. Thanks for the giveaway!
pjgirl74 at aol dot com

Lori said...

The banana nut date muffins would be my daughter's favorite!


guettel78 said...

My favorite recipe would have to be the Chocolate Banana Bread -- I love the combination of chocolate and banana, so I may just try that recipe for the next potluck I have with friends. I actually love the new Banana Nut Cheerios as well, and to indulge, I sometimes add mini chocolate chips to it for a treat. Thanks for the giveaway!


guettel78 said...

Subscribed to your updates in google reader - thanks!


guettel78 said...

Tweeted the giveaway here: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1262167210


amyd29 said...

I put bananas in my cheerios,the whole family likes it this way!


elsmarlouamrman said...

I like to put blueberries and strawberries in my Cheerios. Thanks for this giveaway!


SharonAnne said...

I'll definitely try the recipe for Banana Nut Cheerios Energy Bars, as I like my kids to snack on healthy "stuff". I'm impressed they don't use high fructose corn syrup in these...YAY Cheerios!

I like to add bananas or blueberries to Cheerios, and then sprinkle them with a little cinnamon. Thanks for the giveaway!
sharonanne56 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Jess Russell said...

I like to put mini marshmallows in my Cheerios!

Tanya Wilson said...

I love the idea of chocolate bannana bread!


mama0102 said...

The chocolate banana bread looks yummy! Thanx for the awesome contest!

donnac36 said...

ooohhhhh! The chocolate bananna bread recipe sounds yummy!

Tes283 said...

I like to add fresh fruit as the season changes, then I add yogurt.

strycker@slu.edu said...

Funnily enough, I always loved to put bananas in my Honey Nut Cheerios! This might be the perfect cereal!!


Its a Great Day said...

I really liked the chocolate banana bread receipe. Thanks!

skstigger (at) hotmail.com

ladyt64 said...

I like to put bananas in Cheerios. Sometimes we use strawberries for a change of pace.

techyone said...

I love bananas in cheerios! Berries are good too when they're in season.

Daphne R said...

Every day's a 'SUNDAE'
when I eat my Cheerios.
I have yummy recipe,
this is how it goes:

A plop of vanilla yogurt
goes into my bowl,
then oaty, crunchy Cheerios,
cuz 'HEALTHY' is my goal!

The crowning glory on the top?
Sliced bananas go right here.
It's the perfect 'SUNDAE' breakfast
any day of the whole year!

riceburns at hotmail dot com

Jennifer said...

I usually put bananas or strawberries on my cheerios, thanks for the giveaway!


Jeanette J said...

My favorite is bananas but I will use whatever fruit I have in the fridge too

Candie said...

I love putting fruit in my cereal, bananas, strawberries, and blueberries. I love the idea of a cereal already having the bananas. Thank you


barblong said...

My favorite recipe is the Chocolate-Banana Bread. Sounds yummy!

Donna said...

The Chocolate-Banana Bread sounds good.

Lu Ann said...

I like to put bananas in my cheerios but with these new banana nut cheerios I woudln't have to do that anymore.

pinkpintobean at gmail dot com

Kathy said...

I would like to try the Banana Nut Cheerios® Nature Bars. They sound like a good snack to put in lunches.


I love to put strawberries or bananas in my Cheerios!


lisawonbig said...

My favorite is bananas. Makes this new Cheerios seem made to order.

amweeks said...

The Tropical Banana Nut Parfaits look fun to make and yummy!

seaburd said...

If in season I like to put blueberries with my cheerios otherwise I use bananas or flaxseed for a nutty flavor..

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