March 18, 2023

Wordful Wednesday: At the Park Again

Now that it's been consistently in the 50s (woo hoo! Almost tropical) in our part of Pennsylvania, we've been making afternoon visits to the park, where SoJo loves riding on the swings....

tossing dried leaves...

and digging in the mulch.
On a related note, I find the mothers at our park to be very clique-ish. When I try to initiate conversation, I feel like they're just waiting for it to end, and don't ask questions or try to get to know me. Has this happened to you? This is so unlike my wonderful blog friends!

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  1. That is what we did yesterday too. It is so nice to finally get outside!

  2. Kathleen,
    Yes it has happened to me and I discovered in the school system, here at least, they are cliquish. Ah well.

    I love the photos of Soren and long for simpler days. Look how amused he is with dry leaves and wood chips. I always wonder what they are thinking about.

    Is it possible to recapture that youthful wonderment?

  3. great photos - we re enjoying the park as well

  4. Sadly some moms never leave high school in their minds.
    Don't worry, you are the prom queen at the playground!

    I had to laugh at your "tropical" comment! That is winter temps in Laos, people pull out the coats and gloves (not kidding!).

    These are great photos, thanks for sharing them! Makes me want to dive into some dead leaves.

  5. They are...but lucky for me - I don't care..hehe

  6. Yeah, the park is a crappy place to meet moms. I have only met one nice mom that way EVER! So I just go with Jordan instead...he's much cuter and we can be our OWN clique. :)

  7. We are in PA too! If I ever ran into you at a park I wouldn't be cliquish. I am shy though IRL, so I hope that never comes across as being snobby. I always worry about that.

  8. Kids at parks are soooooo cute! Makes me want to take my bathe in the warm sun. WooHoo!

  9. That is so funny you say that about park mommies. I always find that the dads are more friendly.

    Your lil' guy is so adorable.

  10. Days at the park are so fun! I've never tried to talk to other moms cuz i'm always with friends or my hubs.

  11. Oh looks like a lovely spring day!

  12. What a cutie...that is such a fun age when they are discovering everything!

  13. You don't need those stinkin' park ladies! You've got us.

    Did you know I wasn't following you? I fixed it. ;)

  14. I forgot to mention how absolutely precious Soren is. I loved the tossing leaves photo especially.

  15. We're living it up here in Wisconsin too! (We hit 60's, though, so people were breaking out the shorts and filling swimming pools. Okay, not really - but almost!)

    I get that same thing at parks. What is that? When did being friendly become such a chore for some people?

  16. You should see how they react to Bob at the park with kids! Either totally freaked like he's a pedophile or they're flirting. Ick.

  17. I feel I should share my 80s with you :) today was 77 and felt like 80 but I do understand :)

    And your baby is adorable. Belongs in a magazine!

    So innocent and curious. I love that you let him do that with the leaves and mulch.

    And surely that has happened to me too....I used to wonder if it was because I was black. lol Hence why I want to have a commune for my online friends :)

  18. When we lived in ORegon I always went to my neighborhood park and the moms were always very friendly. Moms here are don't seem so much clickish, but not into talking or meeting others. It's a very different feeling. It doesn't bother me so much b/c I have three little ones to watch (not much time to chit chat), but I know it would bother me if I was looking for some interaction.

  19. the pics are so sweet!! I've had the cliquey park mom thing happen to me too out here in CO. When I was in IL, the neighborhood park was great--always full of friendly moms. Those were good times. :)

  20. Bah humbug on humanity.

    The clique factor is one reason I don't typically prefer real life. You're right; bloggy pals just seem to be so much more accepting and supportive.

    It was 65 here yesterday and around 50 and rainy today. I think you have different kind of weather than we.

  21. I know this warm weather is amazing. I just noticed you are going to Blogher. I really want to go. It would be great to meet up in person!

  22. You are going to blogher?!?! I bought my ticket! I will be excited to meet you!

  23. Maybe you'll have a girl ja?

    You saw that little bitty on her lips, you shoulda seen her socks! She tried to tie dye it with the markers!

  24. Hi! Nice to meet you! You have a great blog! Come visit me if you get a chance!


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