
Tech Tuesday: Backing up Your Files

With all of the photos I've been taking and images that I use for my blog, my hard drive is getting overloaded with stuff. It's a bit frightening, thinking that if my computer crashes, all of those images will evaporate into the guts of this laptop. Not so worried about the blog stuff, but I can't bear to imagine my little cutie's childhood photos disappearing! I'm terrible about printing out hard copies of the photos, but that's another story.

I recently starting using an online backup tool called Mozy (and before you think this may be a review post, it isn't! I just really like this service). You install the program on your computer and it automatically backs up your files. It's free up to 2GB, and then it's $4.95 a month. So far I'm still on the free version, but I'm thinking that I'll upgrade when the time comes.
It's pretty simple to set up. When you register, you can select which kinds of files you want backed up, like Word documents, or photos, or even videos. The videos take up lots of space, so I opted to just do my images for now. If/when I upgrade, I'll backup the videos too, since when you pay, you get unlimited storage space. I've been using this for a month and have not been spammed or anything. Mozy is running in the background when I'm online, backing up my images every 20 minutes. To quote Ron Popeil of those really bad infomercials, you just set it and forget it!

I can see this being a great resource for a business too, if you don't have your own web server to back up your files on. So please, please, please take some time to back up your files. You just never know what might happen to your computer, and you'll be happy you spent the time to either burn a CD of your stuff or signed up for an online backup.


blueviolet said...

Have I ever told you how much I love your Tech Tuesday posts? Because I do.

Naomi said...

Do you import your pictures via Blogger or a third-party site? I am wondering what happens when you use up all of your bandwidth on Blogger....

Sage and Savvy said...

I just read an article in a mag. about this and thought I better do some backing up. I usually back up my photos, but I really should back up everything else...

Linda said...

Great tip. I recently had to retrieve a file from 2005.

Back up people.


Renée aka Mekhismom said...

Great advice, I have an external hard drive that backs up my entire system but I really am most concerned about my photos. My hard drive died once(but luckily I had copies of most of the pictures) and just recently received a hard drive.

Summer said...

I agree...back up everything! I usually back-up the computers every 3-4 months (with the seasons). On a seperate note, I wasn't sure how to preserve my blog with all of its posts/comments/photos. Then I found Blurb! Their program will "slurp" your blog and make a book out of it. Great to preserve these notes for the future. I've slurped and I'm in the process of editing the book for publishing. May want to check it out too :-)



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