Friday, October 9, 2023

Marcal Small Steps {Giveaway}

Within the past year, we've drastically reduced paper use in our house in the form of cloth rags instead of paper towels. While we've been using cloth napkins for years (due at first to aesthetic reasons, then environmental), paper towels took a little longer to give up. We still use them on occasion for cleaning up cat puke and other nasty stuff, but in general we don't use them as much as before. And for the record, I don't see myself ever giving up paper toilet tissue (sorry, that's gross and TMI).

In choosing paper products that have less of an impact on our environment, there are some options. One is using paper products made from recycled paper, rather than virgin trees. Marcal Small Steps is one such product. Made from 100% paper that has not been chlorine-bleached, Marcal Small Steps is an easy way to make your eco-footprint a bit smaller.
I first saw Marcal Small Steps at a CVS when I was on a walk a few months ago and needed to pick up some toilet paper. At first, my cynical side said "yeah right, more greenwashing." But when I read some of the company's PR materials, I found that they really are helping consumers take small steps toward a greener lifestyle.

According to their website, Marcal has been making its paper from recycled paper, not from trees, for the past 50 years. Pretty impressive.
As far as quality goes, I've found all of the products I was sent (facial tissue, 1000-sheet toilet paper, paper towels, napkins and dinner napkins) to be equal to other brands I've used. I think the main reason for buying Marcal Small Steps is for the environmental benefit, not necessarily because the quality is any better than others.

I'll admit it was a little weird trying the paper napkins, since we don't use them, but I found them also to be of decent quality. And with a toddler, it's helpful to have some paper products around to clean up messes. The dinner napkins were sturdier and a little fancier than the standard ones, so you could definitely use them when guests are over. My mother actually uses them at Thanksgiving! I'll be sure to have her pick up Small Steps this year.

To get you on the road to taking small steps toward green living, Marcal is offering one K&K reader
A Marcal Small Steps Starter Kit
(100% recycled paper towels, napkins, toilet paper and facial tissue)
To enter:
Visit Marcal Small Steps and leave a comment here telling me which product you'd like to try and why you'd like to win.

Extra Entries
(leave a separate comment for each one):
  • Blog about this contest (2 entries--leave 2 comments)
  • Subscribe to my updates
  • Follow me on Blogger
  • Follow @MarcalSmallStep on Twitter
  • Follow @katydidandkid on Twitter and tweet this giveaway, leaving a link to your tweet in the comments. You can tweet once per day (leave a comment each day). You can copy and paste my tweet if you'd like: Win an eco-friendly paper product Starter Kit from @MarcalSmallSteps @katydidandkid
US Postal Addresses only.
You must do the first entry in order to enter
("I want to win, thanks!" comments will NOT be considered). You will have until Monday October 19th at 11:59pm EST to enter. The winners will be chosen via random number generator the next day and notified by email. I'll also post the winners on my blog HERE. If I don't hear back from the winner within 72 hours of emailing her/him, I'll pick another.

Disclosure: I was not paid for this post, but received sample products for review.


Jenna Z said...

I use paper towels for kitchen messes that would ruin my good tea towels. And every time I grab one I feel like I'm killing a tree! So I'd love to try the paper towels!

Over Coffee - the green edition said...

I would like to try either the TP or the facial tissue. I am always looking for earth friendly family approved TP ;-) Thanks for the give-a-way.

Alicia said...

I'd like to try the bath tissue. I want to win because there are five of us subsisting on just my husband's salary, so it would be nice to get our paper products for free for a change.
Alicia Webster

Alicia said...

I subscribe to your updates via E-mail.
Alicia Webster

one frugal lady said...

All of these products look awesome, but since I am such a paper towel freak, I am dying to try the paper towels- guilt free, of course!

JC said... blogged.

blabla3269 said...

I would love the paper towells since that is the one item I just cant seem to go green on for its such a part of my life

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said...

I like the 100% recycled paper towels. I've been trying to wean my family from using too much of it. This would get better than buying non-recycled paper towels!

VickeC said...

I would like to try the paper towels,im interested to see if they are as absorbent as the other brand I use,an I would be greener in the process


VickeC said...

I follow on twitter an tweeted;
vickiecouturier Win an eco-friendly paper product Starter Kit from @MarcalSmallSteps @katydidandkid


VickeC said...

I blogged on facebook;Vickie Couturier Win an eco-friendly paper product Starter Kit from @MarcalSmallSteps @katydidandkid # 1


VickeC said...

I blogged on facebook;Vickie Couturier Win an eco-friendly paper product Starter Kit from @MarcalSmallSteps @katydidandkid # 2


JenniferB said...

I would like to try the facial tissues- one box saves lots of trees thats good

Nelsby said...

I subscribe to your blog feed via email.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I am following @MarcalSmallSteps on Twitter (username Nelsby).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I am following your blog on Blogger (username Nelsby).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

Tough decision! I believe I would most like to try the paper towels. Since we unfortunately seem to use a lot of paper towels, I would like to win these with the hopes of helping the environment -- even if it is a small step.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I am following you on Twitter AND I Tweeted about this giveaway:
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

JamericanSpice said...

I would love to try their paper towels most because while I try not to use alot of paper towels, I do have kids and they make messes!

Sunnyvale said...

I'd use the paper towels so I could feel better about having those around

Nelsby said...

Daily Tweet:
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

tawnda said...

I want to try the paper towels... yes, I know that it's better to use rags, but for some messes, you just don't wanna wash or reuse! Strength and holding together until the job is done are very big factors

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said...

#1 blog entry

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said...

#2 blog entry

Janna @ Feed Your Pig said...

I'd like the toilete paper and I'd like to win because I love winning!

Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

mscoffee77 said...

I would love to try the facial tissue because we tend to get a few colds during the fall/winter!


tomato said...

We've cut waaayyy down on paper products, but like you said, toilet paper is just not comfortably replaceable! I'd like to try the TP.

hanovertomato at yahoo dot com

Tamara B. said...

I would love to try their paper towels because I use so many paper towels and wold love to switch to recycled paper towels.

calicokid said...

I'd like to try the paper towels the most since I use too many paper towels. I definitely would like to do more to help the environment by using these products.

dirtyprettylibertine at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Marcal is one of the biggest polluters in NJ history. Both air and water. To call them green and Earth Friendly is both wrong and a disgrace.

Nelsby said...

** Daily Tweet **
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

paper towels because going green is a big thing in my household!

Nelsby said...

** Daily Tweet **
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

metalmomma said...

I would like to try the paper towels because we use a lot of them.

janetfaye said...

1. I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Tracey said...

My family uses alot of toilet paper and paper towels and it would be nice to know that we were doing our part for the environment by using these products.

janetfaye said...

Daily tweet:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

sweepmom said...

I would like to try the toilet paper because it is something we use a lot of and I believe that every small step makes a difference.

Deborah said...

I'd like to try the bath tissue.

I'd like to win so I can give Marcal a try at home. Hubby doesn't like to try "new stuff" but he'll use it if it's here lol. He's a sweet guy! asthenight at gmail dot com

Nelsby said...

** Daily Tweet **
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

** Daily Tweet **
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...


janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com said...

i'd like to try the toilet paper i want to win because i am trying to be as green/natural as possible

cdziuba said...

I'd like to try the Small Steps™ by Marcal® bath tissue because I'm trying to do all I can to be eco-friendly and we go through a lot of bath tissue.

cdziuba said...


entry 2

cdziuba said...


entry 1

courtneystoffel said...

I'd love to try the paper towels because we go through alot of them!

hebert024 at aol dot com

Zach said...

It is tough sometimes to not use papertowels and I always try to use as little as possible. Its great however that they have these green papertowels... definitely going to check those out!

cdziuba said...

I follow Katydid on Twitter (cdziuba) and tweeted

amweeks said...

I'd like to try their toilet tissue...especially because my plumber recently recommended it! I'd love to win this prize because I've never tried the products but am always looking for more environmentally-friendly products!

Alicia said...

I follow MarcalSmallStep on Twitter
Alicia Webster

sibabe64 said...

I am paper towel junkie. I don't know if I have OCD when it comes to this but every time I am by the sink and i have to wipe up a mess or dry my hands i use a paper towel. I don't have a place to hang a towel near my sink and for some reason i hate to have a towel sitting there. The funny thing is I have tons of other junk on my counter though. Please help me save some trees.

Nikki said...

Hi - I would love to try the paper towels the most because we go through a little more than we should a more eco friendly option would be nice.


savvytangerine (at) aol (dot) com

Nikki said...

I follow Marcal on twitter as horrorqueen13

savvytangerine (at) aol (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I'd like to try the recycled paper towels. We go through more paper towels than most people, I'm sure.


shopannies said...

at this time of year would love to try the kleenex

Linda K said...

I really want to try the paper towels because my kids go through them like crazy but they are not sold around here.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

shopannies said...

following on twitter and tweeted

JC said...

JC said...

I'd like to try their facial tissue. These are stuffs you just can't live without and it'd be great if we could find an eco friendly brand to help the environment.

rmo210 said...

I have used Marcal paper towels and toilet paper before. I haven't tried the Tissue Paper yet. I'd like to try that.

charity/ccboobooy said...

follow on blogger. charity/ccboobooy

charisscharity (at) yahoo (dot) com

brianpiero said...

Thanks for the giveaway... We would like to try the facial tissues because the new product line is 100% premium recycled paper that is hypoallergenic, virtually lint free, and whitened without chlorine bleaching.

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

dvice said...

I'd like to try the napkins because I'd like recycled napkins

Jinxy and Me said...

I would like to try the paper towels because I would feel so much better about using a recycled product!

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm following MarcalSmallStep on Twitter. My twitter name is @ThriftyJinxy

naynays1 said...

I would like to try the facial tissues since I suffer from allergies. Thanks

JC said... @tcarolinep follower.

Nancy said...

I'd like to try the facial tissue.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said...

I am an e-mail subscriber.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said...

I follow via Google Friends.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Whitney said...

Having a toddler, I used at least 5 paper towels at every meal- and I feel like I'm just taking something from our beautiful earth every time I do it! So I'd like to try the recycled paper towels!

katy said...

I'd like to try the Small Steps™ by Marcal facial tissue. I'm pretty particular in my facial tissue, so I'd want to put it to the test.

heaven_1_@hotmail dot com

Owen's Mom said...

Daily Tweet!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Happi Shopr said...

Marcal facial tissue with allergy and cold/flu season upon us, we could really use these. We are going through a box of tissues every couple of days. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

- Marybeth I. said...

I would like to start with the papertowels. I am so glad these are widely available.

janetfaye said...


janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

** Daily Tweet **
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Owen's Mom said...

Daily Tweet!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Janette said...

I'd like to try the paper towels, because I do like to use paper towels sometimes, but I hate that it's such a waste.

denyse said...

I' dlike to win because I want to go green as much as I can and I alrwady tried some of these products and liked them.

I'd like to trythe bath tissue but haven't yet.

JACLYN said...

I would like to try their napkins for our family.

JACLYN said...

Following marcalsmallsteps on twitter!

JACLYN said...

Following you on twitter and tweeted!

furygirl3132 said...

I would love to try the Marcal Facial Tissues, these sound good and I love that they are environmentally friendly! Thanks so much for such a great giveaway!


furygirl3132 said...

Following MarcalSmallSteps on Twitter (furygirl3132)


furygirl3132 said...

Following you on Twitter (furygirl3132) and I tweeted:


furygirl3132 said...

Following you on Blogger (furygirl3132).

Eloise furygirl3132[at]comcast[dot]net

Sher said...

I would love to try the toilet paper! I think Small steps are great, not only for quality but for the environmental concern they have as well!

Owen's Mom said...

Being the start of cold & flu season, I would like to try the facial tissues. It seems like I go through so many with a family of 4 it would be nice to use some that are more environmentally friendly. My husband is very sensitive to dust on tissues, so I am very intrigued by the virtually lint free claim. Sounds like they would be worth a try!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Whitney said...


Owen's Mom said...

I follow & Tweeted! (NotimeMom)
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

jennem said...

I'd like to try the toilet paper. I want to win because every little bit helps when going green.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

charity/ccboobooy said...

I would love to try the bathroom tissue. I want to be part of the solution of going green, and not part of the problem. Thanks

charisscharity (at) yahoo (dot) com

Candie L said...

I would like the paper towels. Than you


Anonymous said...

I twittered:

Anonymous said...

With flu season upon us I would love to try the facial tissues.


Gianna said...

The tissues. I'd like to win because i've never tried their products before. I had actually looked for them at cub today (had a coupon) but couldn't find any.

Owen's Mom said...

Daily Tweet!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Owen's Mom said...

Daily Tweet!
andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Marcal is the biggest air and water polluter in the state of NJ. To say they are eco friendly is a joke.