
Weekend Contest Love: 10/24

It's a race to finish the costume and a Halloween banner this weekend. With rain on the way, I imagine we'll be inside most of tomorrow. Hope you have gorgeous fall weather wherever you may be. I can't believe October is nearly over!


Nicole Feliciano said...

Good luck with the costumes. We went store-bought. I know my weaknesses and sewing is one of them.

Dina said...

I got the kids' costumes last year when Old Navy had them on sale...

Kidazy said...

Cool, another VIA giveaway! I've been running a Starbucks VIA contest too with a $50 Starbucks card and more up for grabs! http://mevolving.com/reviews/starbucks-via-review-and-50-giveaway/ ends 10/29

icefairy said...

Thanks for the Linky!
Everyone's welcome to use my Linky (updated daily) http://bit.ly/pLinky

I'm having a LIVE giveaway of DownEast Clothes. Don't miss out!

Danica's Daily said...

Good luck getting the costumes and banner done - you can do it! :)

Thanks so much for the VIA contest shoutout. WOW - I am LOVING the huge giveaway list :)

Have a great weekend!

Priscila said...

wonderful website! Love your layout and your curry recipe was soooo good!!!I tried it :)
If you would like please come visit me at littlemissheirlooms.blogspot.com and enter my current giveaway. I try to have a new and AMAZING giveaway every Monday so I hope you decide to become a follower so you don't miss out!

the brown couch said...

Hey! Happy for this linky! Come on over and link your giveaways up with me, too!



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