
eBeanstalk's Kids' Photo Contest

The interwebs are just filled with great toy shops for educational and unique toys, and eBeanstalk is one of them.
Their selection of safe baby toys and kids toys rely on the opinions and feedback of bloggers and moms around the country, and their team of child experts help to pick out the best of the best.

I love how easy it is to navigate their website by age level. It certainly makes it simple to find a gift for any child.
I love this My First Jungle Train Set ($34.99)
eBeanstalk is also sponsoring a photo contest, looking for the cutest child playing with a toy. Simply take a picture of your little one playing with a toy, and email the picture to emily AT ebeanstalk DOT com. It's just that easy.

Be 1 of 10 lucky winners to win a $50 gift certificate at ebeanstalk this holiday. Entries will be chosen on their cuteness-level.

Privacy ensured! Entrants will not be spammed. Do not send your address for privacy purposes - just email and the FIRST name of your child.

For everyone: All blog readers will receive a 10% discount at ebeanstalk of any purchase. Enter the code ebeanstalk100 at the cart.

Disclosure: I blogged about eBeanstalk and their contest for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate for myself and one of my readers.


moushka said...

Thanks for the info.
When will this contest end? When will they decide?

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