
Weekend Contest Love: 11/13

It's already the weekend, yay! And sigh. The weeks fly by so quickly. Plus I was busy all week making a craft project and posting about my Favorites, so I feel out of touch with much of my usual blog reads.

Nothing on the radar this weekend, just hanging out with my boys. If you've got giveaways, add them in the linky below!


Midday Escapades said...

Woohoo - thanks for the linky! I have an ongoing Giveaways Galore linky that everyone can use: http://bit.ly/jIbPb.

I have also included your button at my Galore page under Friday Linky.

icefairy said...

Thanks for the Linky, Kathleen!
Everyone's welcome to use my Linky (updated daily) http://bit.ly/pLinky

whimsy*couture*sewing*tutorials said...

Thanks for the linky! Everyone is welcome to use mine as well! http://whimsycoutureboutique.blogspot.com/2009/11/mcklinkys-is-up-come-and-list-your.html

blueviolet said...

I always forget you and I do this the same day! Well, I remembered obviously, but I need to remember earlier in the day! :)

Ms. Latina said...

Thanks for the linky! You can also view and join giveaways on my linky. Click HERE to go directly to the page!

Thanks again and good luck if you are joining any giveaways!

Cathy said...

thanks for the linky! i actually have a giveaway this week, so this helped

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