
Weekend Contest Love (1/23)

Happy weekend! What are your plans? I'm working tomorrow, but now that the chores are done, we'll probably head to the park since it's a gorgeously sunny (but cold) day.

Here's some interesting contests happening around the blog world this week. Link yours up below.


whimsy*couture*sewing*tutorials said...

Thanks for the linky! Come and list your giveaways on mine as well! http://whimsycoutureboutique.blogspot.com/2010/01/mcklinkys-up.html

CathyH said...

Thanks! My first giveaway and think I'm finally getting the hang of it.
Having a lot of fun!

TheEclecticElement said...

Thank you for the Linky!!

You and your readers are welcome to come over and link up on my site as well:


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