
Weekend Contest Love and Craft Hope for Haiti

Happy Weekend! For some of us, having Monday off is an extra treat. I've been wanting to do something of service to people in honor of Dr. King's birthday, so I'm thinking of contributing some kind of crafted item to Craft Hope for Haiti.
They've set up an Etsy shop for people to sell things and donate the money to Doctors Without Borders to assist the earthquake survivors. So if you can, contribute a hand-crafted item or buy one and donate 100% of the cost to DWB.

On to the Weekend Contest Love. Enjoy!


TheEclecticElement said...

Thank you for the Linky!!
This is a WONDERFUL idea to help raise money for the earthquake victims-The handmade world never ceases to amaze me :)

You and your readers can hop over to my site and link up on my Linky as well:


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