
Gerber Graduates for Preschoolers

I'm one of the unlucky moms that has trouble getting her toddler to eat, specifically things that aren't starchy and tan. I naively thought that my good nutritional habits would naturally rub off on SoJo, though he still will not willingly put any kind of green veggie matter into his mouth despite dozens of attempts.

We pick our battles and manage any way we can to make sure every calorie counts for our little guy. Sweets are limited and junk food is very rare. I rely on granola bars and whole grain crackers for on-the-go snacks, and was pleased that we had the chance to try out some of the snacks in Gerber Graduates for Preschoolers line.
Though my son is a toddler, not a preschooler, I think that these are still fine for him to try out. I'm guessing the difference is in the daily nutrition requirements and serving sizes.

We tried out the Gerber Graduates for Preschoolers Fruit Twists (99% real concentrated fruit and juice and ½ of a preschooler serving of fruit+ 25% of their daily vitamin C),
Gerber Graduates for Preschoolers Cereal Twists (made with whole grains and two flavored yogurt fillings), and the Gerber Graduates for Preschoolers Chewy Granola Bars (made with 6g of whole grains, provide 10% daily value for 4 vitamins and minerals and have no preservatives or artificial flavors).
S liked the taste of all of these snacks, and enjoyed pulling apart the twists of the Cereal Twists and Fruit Twists. I too thought that these were really tasty, and that the granola bars were similar to some of the organic ones we buy, though I was disappointed to see that corn syrup was one of the ingredients in the Gerber bars. That is one thing we really try to avoid in our diets, but I know we end up eating it once in a while (that stuff is in everything!).

I did end up picking up one of the Gerber Graduates for Preschoolers Healthy Meals for SoJo to try (Southwestern Style Rice & Chicken) for one of those days when his grandma watches him.
With a $.75 coupon (upped to $1 by the grocery, added to the fact that they were already on sale), we ended up buying two meals for $1.50 a piece. The meals and snacks are definitely an affordable option if you need a meal or two on the go.

Disclosure: We were sent samples of the Gerber Graduates for Preschoolers Fruit Twists, Cereal Twists, and Chewy Granola bars in a variety of flavors for this review.


Braley Mama said...

I just started buying wasa crackers for my babes. They have some called light and crispy that even the baby can eat,,,,,,,and have all natural ingredients. Thanks for sharing your find.I will check them out!

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

The fruit twists and cereal bars are always stocked in our cupboard. Charlie really enjoys them and knows exactly where they are. LOL she stands under the cupboard, points, and does a silly sound to ask for one. :D

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