
Weekend Contest Love (5/1)

Wow, it's May already? I had no idea until I posted the date in the title above. Such are the days of a stay-at-home-mom--clueless about time.

We're hopefully heading to Knoebel's Amusement Resort today to visit the Georgia cousins who trekked up to PA this week. Soren will certainly love riding the kiddie rides, albeit in the 90 degree heat we're expecting. If you live in PA, and haven't been to Knoebels, you must go! It's free to get in and park, and you just pay as you go for the rides. I grew up a few miles from there, so my brothers, cousins and I were like Knoebels rats all summer. Anyway, onto the contest love! List your giveaways below and have a fabulous weekend!


OutnumberedMama said...

Thanks so much for the Linky!
You can also add your giveaways to my Linky: http://guidetosurvivingmotherhood.blogspot.com/2010/04/in-it-to-win-it-weekly-giveaway-linky.html

Xenia said...

Thanks for the linky... and for stopping by to say congrats. Maybe now my husband will not think I'm just completely wasting my time on the computer every day? :)

TOSHeidi said...

I'm posting a new giveaway - hopefully Monday - so I'll come back and link up then.

We live about an hour from Knoebels and go at least once each summer. It really is a great amusement park, especially if you have little ones.

daer0n said...

Thanks for the linky!

I have a weekly linky at the top of my blog where you can list your giveaways as well:


Naomi said...

Ooh- excited at the prospect for amusement park photos, Kathleen-style! Have fun.

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

Thanks Kathleen! I have a list that posts on Thursdays if anyone wants to link up:

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