July 17, 2023

Cereal Box Stationary Organizer {Tutorial}

Are your kids bored? Looking for an eco-friendly and cheap project to keep them busy, and something that they can use during the school year? Look no further than this stationary organizer, made from a Cheerios box.
  • a cereal box (I used a small, 9oz. one that's about 7" wide)
  • scrapbook papers or construction paper
  • Elmers glue stick
  • pencil or Sharpie marker
  • transparent tape
  • X-acto knife or utility knife
With the glue stick, glue the top of the box closed, then reinforce both the top and bottom with tape.
Measure and draw the line on the cereal box that you'll be cutting. You're going to be cutting the box in half to make 2 boxes for the organizer. The sides will be cut at an angle though, as seen in the photo at the top.

On the front of the box, measure about 5 1/2" down from the top and make a mark along one side, then the other.
Connect those two marks using a ruler so you have a straight line.
Flip the box over, and draw the marks about 4 1/2" from the top (or 1" less than what you measured on the front), and draw another line.
Your lines will not "line" up; the one on the back will be higher up on the box. This difference in heights will create the side angles.

You'll then turn the box to the side and draw a diagonal line connecting the line on the front to the line on the back. Use your ruler and do this on both sides of the box.
With an X-acto or utility knife, cut into the front of the box along the line. Parents obviously will want to do this for the kids.
You can either continue to cut along the line around the box with the knife, or switch to scissors, which work a little better along the edges and would be fine for kids to use.
After you've cut all the way around, you should have something that looks like this:
Don't worry too much about cleaning up the edges; they'll be covered with paper.

Time to cover the box with paper. It's almost like you're wrapping a present. We'll start with the smaller of the two boxes.
You'll want a piece of decorative or colored paper that is 2" taller than the front of the smaller box (the one in the front of the organizer), and will fit around the sides. Don't worry about the back, since that will not be seen as it will be glued to the other part of the box.

A note about paper: consider buying one of those $20 pads of scrapbook paper. They're great to keep around for projects, and all the papers are already coordinated. Plus you can usually get a 40% off coupon at Michaels or AC Moore and only pay 12 bucks for it.

Line up the paper, then crease the edges around the sides. Cut lines along the folded edges up to the point where the top of the box begins. You'll be folding this flap down on the inside of the box later.
Get your glue stick and spread glue across the paper, and put some on the outside of the box too just for good measure.
Then adhere it to the front of the smaller box and press well. Cut off excess paper on the sides, then fold down and crease the side and front flaps.
Glue them into place.
One down, one to go. It will eventually be placed like this against the other part of the box.
On to the larger box. You'll essentially do the same thing with this one, except instead of not covering the back, you'll not cover the front, since it will be hidden by the other box. I chose a coordinating stripes paper, but you could certainly use the same pattern that you used for the front.

The visuals, again
(please ignore the scrappy mess---I'm not very good at keeping things neat when making stuff)More gluing and folding
Ta da! Back box is done.
Now it's time to sandwich your boxes together.
With your glue stick, spread a generous amount of glue on the back of the small box and on the front of the large one, then press them together.
Reinforce the inside divider with transparent tape
as well as the bottom.
If you want, you could cover the bottom with paper too, but since it's not going to be seen, I just left it exposed. Kind of neat for someone to notice that it was recycled from a cereal box.

Cover the inside of the box with another piece of coordinating paper to hide the cardboard and finish off the box. I measured the width of the inside of the box (7.25")
and cut a piece of paper slightly smaller. I made sure it was long enough to fold over the divider inside the box.
I made a folded mark where the top of the divider was,
Then took the paper out so I could give it a proper, creased fold.
Trim any excess paper, then glue the heck out of it.
Fold it over the divider and smooth into place.
Your stationary organizer is finished. Yay! Now you might want to decorate it a little more, maybe with initials or a flower like I did. I just used scraps that I saved from other projects (including this one).
I used a page from an old book and a piece of scrapping paper to make a layered flower. Just cut a square, fold it half and in half again (like cutting a snowflake), and scallop the edges. Glue them together and add a circle to the center.
Then attach to the front of your organizer.
I also used a leftover piece of the striped paper behind the flower. The possibilities are endless, and this is usually the really fun part for kids.

Enjoy making this pretty and useful craft!.
Disclosure: I wrote this post as an Elmers Bag It Forward Ambassador.


  1. ı like this, tahnks 4 sharing this idea...

  2. Love it! I've used them for magazine holders too. They certainly come in handy :)

  3. I need you to come over for a couple of weeks and organize my life, prettily. Okay?

  4. I love that.. you're so clever. It's making me want to run out and buy more scrapbook pads

  5. This is SUCH a cute tutorial...you are the QUEEN of cute, creative ideas! :D

  6. Your creativity shines through again! We are currently trying to organize our art supply cabinet and this would be a nice way to store our construction paper!

  7. Super cute! And a great, detailed tutorial - I LOVE it! I'm thinking organizing school papers if it's wide enough. We'll certainly need help in that dept. soon!

  8. Girl, you rock. This is amazing.

  9. Ok...I love it! My kids are bored on and off! They are always up for a craft project. They can make one for each of their desks in their bedroom and one for me too for all the mail. I have tons and tons and tons of scrapbook paper for them to choose from too. I know they will love making this! Great idea, thank you so much for posting it!

  10. this is so cute. I am going to make one with my kids tomorrow

  11. This is great - I love it! It's fun to do, yet practical. Great way to spend an afternoon with your child.

    Come on over for some mom inspiration and encouragement sometime.

  12. I came looking for your Saturday linky - and - I found this darling stationary holder. I think I might make it for work! I need something to hold envelopes & inserts. Thanks!

    I'm following you (definitely) - would love to have you stop by my blog sometime -


    Tina "The Book Lady"

  13. Um yes please, I've been looking for awesome thing to do with cereal boxes, and hello, your tutorial is SOOO good. THANK YOU, and please LINK this up for sure, it is wonderful. LOVE IT,, Bella :)

  14. I love this tutorial and wanted to share it with my readers. Please be sure to check it out.


  15. What a neat idea and a great tutorial! Linking to this post in my second "Walk around Blog Land" today.

  16. W O W! This is AWESOME!!!!!!!! you did a Fantastic Job!! thank you so much for sharing your tutorial.

  17. You rock! You are a woman after my own heart -- I ADORE your box organizer!

  18. What a great idea!! I featured this on my blog today! Check it out if you want: http://vixenmade.blogspot.com/2011/09/organizing-state-of-mind.html

  19. I would like to print out this tutorial. Is there a way to do so without printing 21 pages? I love it! :)

  20. I love this..I know its a kids project but it would look great in my office..

  21. Thanks for the idea. I want to make it to hold 2 charging iPads.

  22. Great idea. I needed something to keep the boys schoolbooks in as they are homeschooled and have tons of books everywhere.


  23. I think this will be my project this evening. I was actually planning on going to Target this week to find something similar to put my household binder in....if I can pull this off, I foresee many more in my future for our homeschooling room.

    Thanks for sharing and giving a step-by-step pictorial. I need all the visuals! :)

  24. Thank you for the awesome tutorial!! I have been wanting to make one of these for week now and tonight I finally did it!!!
    You have some awesome ideas and I just started following you :) Thank you!!
    You can see my box here :)

  25. Thanks for the great instructions! I just made one and it came out so good :)

  26. I loved this idea, and immediately had to attempt to make it. It's not that great around the edges, but it serves its purpose.

  27. Love this! I ended up putting 2 pieces of scrap card board in the smaller box to make it a pen holder.

  28. I made one too! Thanks for the tutorial and awesome idea! :) You can see mine here - http://breezypinkdaisies.blogspot.com/2012/04/cereal-box-organizer.html

    Brie @ BreezyPinkDaisies

  29. Can't wait to try this. Awesome tutorial for the crafty wannabe like me. thanks!!!

  30. I like these creative ideas and the details on them,thanks for sharing.

    plastic card holders
    clear cards
    scratch cards printing

  31. absolutely love your tutorial!!! Can't wait to make one!

  32. Love this! I shared this on my blog :)


  33. Greatest. Picture. Tutorial. Ever.

    Thank you so much!!!

  34. Hey there! Just wanted to let you know we featured you in our Favorite Find Fridays post over at Whimsically Homemade. We used one of your pictures and linked back to you. If that's a problem let us know and we'll remove it immediately. Thanks for your great inspiration!

  35. Love this-it would make a great gift!

  36. Made this tonight in Christmas colors. Thank you!!

  37. Hi there! Just wondering where you got *your* scrapbook paper you used in this tutorial? From Michaels? I really like the pattern and would like to find the same or similar. Thanks!
    ~ g

  38. I found your tutorial on Pinterest and just wanted to drop by and say thank you for sharing it! I seriously love how mine turned out. Your directions and pictures made it a very enjoyable project. Thank you for helping clear up our paper clutter haha! This really is a genius idea :)

  39. @Grasshopper, I got it either from Michael's or AC Moore. It was a few years ago, in one of those big packs of paper. I recall seeing it there recently.

  40. Found you through the window of Creative Mess's tutorial for her blog hop. LOVE THESE ORGANIZERS. Cereal boxes? Wow! Move over Martha Stewart!

    Please come to my blog hop. Every Wednesday I host a blog hop on Ducks 'n a Row. It is moderate in size but growing every week.
    One thing I like to do is use larger icons for my guests so we can really see and appreciate your work, even before we click.
    Please come by and add your links.
    Ducks ‘n a Row


  41. LOVE IT!! I'm pretty sure I have some of that scrapbook paper... Anyway. I found you at the Ducks ‘n a Row party - you were featured this week.

    I’d love for you to share them at the Pinterest Power Party - it goes live Wednesday at 5:00 pm {PST}! The link is below but it won’t be accessible until then… Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!


  42. Love the tutorial, would have loved it more if you'd spelt "Sationery" the right way!

    1. I'm confused. I don't see it spelled that way anywhere in this post. Thanks for you comment!

  43. Thanks for this! I made it at work today

    1. I didn't have most of the proper tools and I was supporting a student while I made it, so it's a weee bit rough

  44. I love this, it is adorable!! You can't even tell it is made from a cereal box! Definitely will be making this sometime!


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