
Weekend Contest Love 9/18

It's a true fall weekend here in the Northeast, perfect for a birthday party we're headed to on Saturday. I'd like to say that I'll be catching up on organizing (kid clothes are out of control, strewn about the attic) and cleaning, but the truth is I'll probably just be lazing about. Though my intention is to finally finish painting this week! Wish me luck, and add your giveaways in the linky below. Enjoy the weekend!


LiveLaughLoveCj said...

Thank you for the giveaway linky love.

You can link up at my place each Tuesday for "Tuestastic Giveaways" at Live Laugh Love and Bloggings

icefairy said...

Thanks for the Linky, Kathleen!
Everyone's welcome to use my Linky (updated daily) http://bit.ly/pLinky
Linky hosts: you can also add your Linky to my master list http://bit.ly/masterL

Jennifer V. said...

Thank you!

Feel free to stop by my ongoing linky!

OutnumberedMama said...

Thanks so much for the Linky! If you have a giveaway, you can add it to my giveaway Linky - Updated every Friday! THE BUSY WOMAN'S GUIDE TO SURVIVING MOTHERHOOD If you have a BOOK giveaway, you can add it to my BOOK giveaway Linky - Updated every Thursday! BUSY MOMS WHO LOVE TO READ

Bonnie said...

Have fun at the birthday party, and if you decide to paint this weekend...I hope you make some great progress! You know it's one of those things that you hate to start on but once you get going..you'll be happy you did and before you know it, it will be all done!

Amber@Nater Tot said...

Thanks for the linky! Hope you enjoyed the birthday party - what a beautiful weekend :)

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