
Weekend Contest Love: 10/09

Happy weekend!  Will you be out enjoying the (hopefully in your area) beautiful autumn weather today? We have a Halloweenie roast to go to later this afternoon, which should be a lot of fun, considering that it's going to be a meteorologically-perfect day in Pennsylvania.  At least we can keep the windows open for a while, and savor the fresh air before it gets too cold.

Hope you're having a great weekend, and please submit your giveaways below. 


Tamara from BebePure said...

Thank you for the linky! :)
Please visit my blog to enter my current giveaways (my very first ones) :)
THanks! http://bebepure.com

Dee said...

Thanks for hosting the linky! Feel free to link up your giveaways on my blog at Win It Wednesday and Sweeping Saturday. Have a great day!

StayfunnieMom said...

Thank you SO very much for the linky! Have a fantastic weekend! =)

Theresa @ Faith and Family Reviews said...

Thanks for the linky! Enter my giveaways:



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