
Weekend Contest Love: 11/06

We're in the midst of a relaxing weekend around here. I might end up going to the local Craftsmen's Guild craft show at the university, but who knows. I'm feeling kind of lazy and just want to sit around and sip coffee with the Mister.

Hope you're having a great weekend, and please submit your giveaways below. 


•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Mrs. Cox.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Thanks for the linky, Kathleen! Mine will be up tomorrow, if anyone wants to link up!


Hope you're enjoying your weekend :)

Lillianna Grace said...

I am doing my first ever giveaway for a beautiful cake decorating book by Toba Garrett! Thanks for letting me share it here!

Kayla @ TheEclecticElement said...

Thanks for the linky Kathleen! I hope you guys are having a great relaxing weekend xD

We're feeling lazy here in IL too. Lol

Everyone is welcome to link up on my site as well:


Busy Working Mama said...

Thanks! I have a Saturday linky, too!

Cynthia said...

Thanks for stopping by. It is a pleasure to discover your site. I am off now to explore :)

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