
Apron Giveaways Galore

There are quite a few apron giveaways going on in the blogosphere this week:

Funny lady Amy over at A Little of This & A Little of That is giving away an apron and is begging you to visit her to win. Although I own one pretty pathetic IKEA apron, I'd really like a cutesy one to wear when I am putting on a show for company. I just need to get around to sewing one, or better yet, winning one!

Over at the very cool Apronista site, you can win a red, white and blue apron which is obviously perfect for the 4th of July. Enter here.

And then Julie at Havin' Fun Yet? is giving away a beautiful paisley apron in honor of her 200th post. Go here now!

At Calamity Jane's Cottage (I love that name!) there is yet another apron giveaway, also a red, white and blue one. Jump on over there.

Iris + Lily handmade is, you guessed it, giving away an apron, a raspberry vintage spoon screen-printed one which is adorable.

Finally, at Home Sweet Home, Noble, Cathy is giving away a patchwork apron in honor of her birthday, as well as a pin cusion. Hop on over there.

NOTE: The apron pictured is NOT one of the giveaways. It's just a random sweet apron from the Victoria Regional Museum.


Julie said...

thanks for letting me know - I just signed up to win. :)

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Thank you for coming by the site
and leaving a post. I didn't know so many were giving away aprons. Your name is in the drawing and I also want to thank you for putting the giveaway on your site.
Have a Blessed Day,

CanCan said...

Thanks for posting this! I have been wanting an apron! Just last night I was shopping for one on Amazon.com.

Toni said...

Hey!!I found your blog through the apronista,and I`m so glad I did!!I noticed you live in Pa.So do I:)
Thanks for posting about all of these great giveaways!I will definatly enter them!!Have a blessed day!!

CathyJean said...

Thanks, Kathleen for posting on your blog about my birthday giveaway! I've entered you in the pincushion drawing.
Good luck!

Mandi said...

I'm sad that I didn't see this last week - I want a pretty apron SO bad!

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