

One other item I forgot to mention is the Envirosax bag I won over at purplepinkandorange blog, run by my pal Amy Purple. She has some really cool finds on her blog, a lot of which are from Etsy and other Indie artists and creative types. She also has some really lovely giveaways like art prints and jewelry. I finally won something! And what a great prize, as it's something I've wanted to buy for a while now. It's an Envirosax reusable bag. I love that you can fold it up and keep it in your purse, which is really convenient for unplanned shopping, as I often forget to grab a canvas bag out of the trunk.

I love the designs and also the price, $8.50. Check out their site to order them or find a retailer near you.


SmilynStef said...

Very cool ... I love mine, especially the classy designs ... thanks for stopping by my blog.

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