
Friday Featured Blog: Cutie Booty Cakes

Many of you probably know the ubiquitous Renee, of Cutie Booty Cakes the blog AND the Cutie Booty Cakes diaper cake shop, which has very elegant diaper cakes (she's even giving one away HERE). I see her blog mentioned all over the blogosphere, probably because people love her poignant, funny, and honest posts about things that many of us would like to write but just can't put into words. And I swear, she has the biggest, brightest smile that I've ever seen on a blogger's profile, which I'd bet is due to her adorable little boy, Mekhi. So if you're one of those rare people who hasn't met Renee, here she is! And I'm sure that those of you who do know her are itching to learn more about her.
What is your blog about?
My blog is an extension of my business, Cutie Booty Cakes - diapers shaped like cakes. But it really is more of a personal blog with a little business sprinkled in for good measure.

Where does your blog title come from?
My blog is named for my business of course but the story behind the name is interesting. When I was trying to decide on a name for my diaper cake business it was a little tricky. Baby Cakes seemed like a good one but it was taken as were many others. I decided to go with the name that I called my son. Cutie Booty. It was appropriate because whenever I changed him as an infant I would call him Cutie Booty. I couldn't come up with a better name for my business, one that was named after my son!

When and why did you start your blog?
I started my blog on July 8th, 2008. I started blogging to promote my business. As I was doing research into other companies selling diaper cakes I noticed that a few of them had blogs. I thought it was a brilliant idea! What better way is there for your potential clients to get to know you and see new products? I also wanted to get back into the habit of writing. I have always been a lazy writer and was out of practice. I figured writing a blog for my business would help me sharpen my skills and gain customers. I had no idea that I was opening up a can of worms! In a good way of course. I write everyday now. And although I have kept handwritten journals in the past, I have never been as consistent as I am with blogging. I suppose it helps that I am a deadline oriented person and always want to met them - even if they are self-imposed.

What would you like to add to your blog in the next year?
Well, actually I have already started a new component to my blog. I haven't really "launched" it yet but I have been writing reviews. Cutie Booty Reviews is an extension of my current blog and I review things that I like for my readers. I know that I enjoy reading reviews before I buy things and I thought having a review blog would be a great way to share my opinions with my readers.

What are some of your favorite blogs?
If I told you the number of blogs I read you would really want me to start Bloggers Anonymous. There are so many great blogs out there to choose from. For humor I enjoy Musings of a Barefood Foodie www.barefoodfoodie.com, I Need A Martini Mom http://waitresswheresmymartini.blogspot.com and Frogs In My Formula (frogsinmyformula.blogspot.com).

For wonderful writing I read Is There Any Mommy Out There (http://www.anymommyoutthere.com/) and Okay, Fine, Dammit (http://okayfinedammit.com/).

For an in your face no holds barred Mommy blog I read the Immoral Matriarch (
www.immoralmatriarch.com) , Motherhood Uncensored (http://motherhooduncensored.typepad.com/) and Amalah (amalah.com)

And of course I read the blogs of all my bloggy friends - too numerous to list but I will give a shout out to Fractured Toy (
fracturedtoy.blogspot.com) and Sage and Savvy (sageandsavvy.com).

What is one of your pet peeves about blogs or bloggers?
I honestly can't think of a pet peeve- - oh I did just think of something. I believe that a blog is your personal space but I also think that is important to respect the space of people that are visiting your blog. The one thing that I don't care for are blogs with autoplay music. I sometimes listen to music on my computer while surfing the internet and the cachophany of sound that ensues when I visit a blog with autoplay is astounding. Although I do have to admit that there are some blogs that I don't mind hearing the music because it really brings the blog to life. Especially some photo blogs. So, I guess I just negated my own pet peeve. I just love blogs and bloggers! LOL

What advice would you have for any new bloggers?
Just write. Don't be concerned about other people. Make it your space. My friend has a blog called A Place of Comfort (comfortingplace.blogspot.com) - I think that is an appropriate name. Your blog should be your place of comfort.

What is something that people might not know about you?
I became a mom when I was over 35 but my youthful looks belie my true age!

Thanks Renee! Welcome to the K&K Friday Featured Bloggers club!


Christie-A Work In Progress said...

Yay Renee! You are really making a name for yourself around the blogosphere! Katydid and Kid...like this blog!

Sage and Savvy said...

Great feature on one of my favorite blogs =). Love learning all these new things about them!

Lisa @ Serahs said...

Thanks for bringing us this interview with Renee! I love getting to know other bloggers.

mannequin said...

Oh Kathleen! You didn't ask her nosey things.
There's something elusive about that girl and I want to get to the bottom of it! She's just too cute, too smart and too sweet.

Anyway, I'm thankful to be her pal and I'm thankful for you who brings us the inside scoop; thanks Kathleen.

Maggie, Dammit said...

Renee, I can't believe you've only been blogging a few months, I never would have guessed that in a million years. And speaking of years, I never would have guessed you were a day over 25! Most of all, I can't believe you put me in the same category as Anymommy. Seriously, you are BLOWING MY MIND HERE.

Thank you for the shout out, and congratulations on your success! :)

Petula said...

Yes, Renee does seem to get around for a relative newby to the blogging world. She is fab though. Great highlight of her and her business.

ali said...

Yay! Renee is one of my favorite bloggers! Thanks for the interview!

Naomi said...

I hate the auto-play music, too. Especially when it's that ukulele cover of the Wizard of Oz song, which is OFTEN.

You made me giggle!

anymommy said...

Renee is one of my very favorites in blogworld. I didn't realize she'd been blogging such a short time - you are too awesome girl.

My other comment is that I am dizzy with shock and joy from being put in the same sentence as Maggie.

Frogs in my formula said...

Renee is one of my favorite bloggers though she is too cute--I agree. We need some dirt. Asap! Thanks for the mention. You made my day.

Renée aka Mekhismom said...

Kathleen - thank you so much for featuring my blog. I really appreciate it!

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