
Medibuddy Review and Giveaway

Now that SoJo is walking, or more accurately, running, we're bound to have more falls and scrapes, especially as the weather warms up and he's wearing shorts. I've been lax about stocking a first aid kit with him in mind, and truthfully, I think our box of bandages dates back to the 90s. Mr. Geek and I just don't get cut too often, save for our weekly fistfights (kidding!).

Me4Kidz has us covered (in cartoon bandages). They make kid-centric first aid kits that have all the things you'd need for minor bumps, scrapes and bruises all in one colorful kit, so you don't have to go out and purchase individual items to stock your medicine chest.
The Medibag 4 Kidz is the big star of the show, with everything from antibiotic ointments to gauze to a babysitter's list and even smiley stickers! This would definitely be worth keeping in your kitchen or closet for those minor injuries at home.

I was able to try out the Medibuddy, a smaller version of the Medibag. I've seen these at Babies R Us and thought that they were a great idea, especially for a busy mom like myself, who can barely remember when it's time to buy more toilet paper let alone pick up items for a first aid kit.
The Medibuddy is a small carrying case that fits easily in my diaper bag (or in your car's glovebox) and comes stocked with crayon bandages, first aid ointments, and those cool smiley face stickers that would probably make a boo boo feel better (second to mama's kiss, of course).

The Diaper Bag Buddy is also nice, and I wish I would have had one of these when I first became a mom.
I always have a problem with lots of stuff in my bag, but having a kit of smaller products all in one place would have given me more room for diapers. It would also prevent me from having to dig into the bottom of the bag to find the tube of diaper paste.

It's easy to restock the kits too, since you can order refills. If you buy the Medibag, you actually get a mail-in offer for a free refill!

If you don't have kids, they also offer a Medibag 4 Petz, with first aid items to keep your pooch or kitty healthy.
Me4Kidz is kindly giving away
{{{{A Medibuddy!}}}}

To Enter:

1. Visit Me4Kidz and leave a comment about your favorite product AND an item not mentioned that is in the MEDIBAG 4 KIDZ
2. Make sure your email address is in the comment or is easily accessible via your profile or blog itself. I need a way to contact you!

Extra Entries
(leave a separate comment for each one):
  • Blog about this contest
  • Post my button on your blog
  • Subscribe to my updates
  • Twitter this giveaway and leave a link to your Tweet. You can follow me under Katydidandkid.
This giveaway is for US postal addresses only.

You must do the first two things in order to enter ("I want to win, thanks!" comments will NOT be considered). You will have until Sunday March 29th at 11:59pm EST to enter. The winners will be chosen via random number generator the next day and notified by email. I'll also post the winners on my blog. If I don't hear back from the winner by Thursday at noon, I'll pick another.


Jinxy said...

The diaper bag buddy is my favorite. I'm always scared I'm going to be out and something is going to happen and I'm not prepared.
Bright Colored Emergency Sticker are also included.

Jinxy said...

I already follow you on twitter
tweet http://twitter.com/Jinxyisms/status/1337384912

Shana said...

I would definitely like a Medibuddy. We have a larger baby first aid kit at home, but could use one for on the go. I can't believe there's a thermometer in the larger kit!

Sara and Alex said...

I like the medi buddy and diaper bag buddy. I am impressed with the product and the disposable one time use thermometer. It is handy to have and not easy to carry around your large regular one!

Sara and Alex said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted it http://twitter.com/SaraMama

MookieJ said...

My favorite is the medibag. You didn't mention the burn relief cream. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Nicole Feliciano said...

I like the natural med kit. aren't we all trying to be as green as possible these days?

susan said...

My favorite product is the medibuddy for on the go (though I actually love all the products!) There is a one time use thermometer included too, neat!

susan said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted. http://twitter.com/susanlanai/status/1338349860

Shelly said...

I like the medi buddy. The disposable one time use thermometer is a great idea.

CAmom04 said...

My favorite product of all is the Medibag 4 Kidz. I have a 4 year old that believes that a Band-Aid fixes all boo boos and the smiley stickers are kid friendly items will help turn a potentially scary situation into something positive.I like the fact that there is an instant cold pack included because we always seem to need those.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I like the diaper bag buddy Thanks.

Liza767 said...

i like the pet buddy its neat and something not mentioned burn gel

andrea v said...

i like the medibag the best. I like the cold pack for bumps and the thermometer. thanks

DEBIJOT said...

My favorite is the Medibuddy. There is also burn relief creme. Thanks.

Stephanie said...

medibuddy is my fave and it has a one-time use thermometer.
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Anonymous said...


Starryphate said...

I like the diaper bag buddy, since I am a first time mom and I basically am learning as I go.

The kit includes eye wash and safety pins!

Anonymous said...

The medibag4kidz is my favorite product on their site. I love the idea of it, and the instant cold pack is a brilliant addition.

Naddez said...

I like the Medibag 4 Petz.


Naddez said...

I forgot to answer question B in my first response. The Diaper bag buddy.

Susieqtpie said...

I love the Medibag 4 Kidz! No mistaken what this is for! I read that it has a flip chart! how cool! thanks

Susieqtpie said...

Forgot to leave my email! arteachersusan at gmail dot com or through blog or twitter! thx

YZgirl4 said...

I would love to try the medibag for pets...can't forget about them! Another item that comes in it is gloves


Meredith said...

Kid friendly tweezers are in this kit. I also like the Pet First Aid kit.

mommyjen99 said...

My favorite is the diaper bag buddy.
My 8 month old is all over the place now and this would be great to have in my diaper bag at all times. I especially like the one time use thermometer.

Meredith said...

I follow you on Twitter under Meredycat and tweeted.

CanCan (Mom Most Traveled) said...

The Burn Gel would be good to have.
The MediBuddy seems really handy. I would like the yellow one :)

hiccupapparel.etsy.com said...

you didnt mention the one time use thermometer and i like the medibag

gahome2mom said...

They have safety pins.

I like the MediBag for Kidz and the Medi Buddies. They both would be a great addition to for any family. (grandparents too) Thanks.

gahome2mom at gmail dot com

gahome2mom said...

Button on blog: ABC Listed


gahome2mom said...

Follow - gahome2mom (at) gmail (dot) com

samsakara said...

I like the Medibag 4 Kidz. You didn't list the eye wish that is in the Medibag 4 kidz.


Jennifer, The Lady Riposter said...

It also comes with an instant cold pack.

I love the Bandage Buddy. I work with kids a lot and their products would be great to have around!

cstironkat said...

Medibag 4 Petz
Real pet-friendly first aid kit would be a favorite of mine. I;m involved in dog rescue so I would keep this in my car.

gkstratos said...

The Medibag 4 Kids is my favorite product. The MediBuddy also comes with Sting Pads.

Betty said...

My favorites are the Medibuddy and the Diaper Bag Buddy because the are so portable. You can just throw one in your bag and leave it until you need it. The Medibag 4 Kidz also has one Blue Kid-Friendly Plastic Tweezers. Thanks for the giveaway!

bmcgregor72 AT hotmail DOT com

1stopmom said...

After looking through all the products the MediBag 4 Kidz is my favorite. It really has everything! There is even a one time use thermometer included.


The Dreamer said...

I like the medibag 4 kidz and the Medibuddy comes with a sting relief pad!

addeviant006 at gmail dot com

spitfyr323 said...

Since I am owned by Labradors, and we travel a lot, the Medibag 4 Petz would be perfect for us!

spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com

spitfyr323 said...

I'm a subscriber!

spitfyr323 at hotmail dot com


Our daughter would love the crayon bandages. She'll find any excuse to put on a bandaid. My "OpenID" is my contact email.

mogrill said...

Love the Medi-Bag for kids! Thanks for the chance.

camelfam said...

The Medibag 4 Kids is my favorite product. We have first aid stuff, but it is everywhere throughout the house. That would be nice to have in one central location.

One thing not mentioned was the sting relief pad (would have been great for when DD got into that bee's nest :( )

amweeks said...

My favorite is probably the Medibag 4 Petz, only because I never think about that type of thing, so it would be great to have on hand. And as a mom who is allergic to bee stings (and those children thankfully aren't!), I love that the Medibag 4 Kidz has a couple of sting pads in it!

Anonymous said...

the medic aid for kids is wonderful the stickers are a real tension releiver for children thanx

Jenn J said...

Wow! I've never seen this site but I really like the products they offer. The kits look great with all the brightly colored tapes and bandages and such being so kid friendly to not frighten them while you work on them but I'm most impressed it inludes a burn gel because a lot of kits nowadays leave that out of the normal supplies. Thanks!!
Jenn J

Jenn J said...

I'm a subscriber now, too. And I'll also mention that I like that the eye flush is in this kit and you can get a refill that is more than just bandaids. So cool!!
Jenn J

Jenn J said...

I posted a link to your blog on my blog. :)
Jenn J

Tamara B. said...

I like their Medibag For Petz. The one time use thermometer will always come in handy with children.

Linda said...

There is also a one time use thermometer included, I would choose the Medibuddy!

mary said...

well sounds great for us, sign me up, because my kids have to have first aid kits 4 boy scouts stuff.

Mandy said...

Lovin the medibuddy and the medibad4kidz.
I added your button to my blog and subbed her such a cool blog to stumble upon tonight.
THanks gor a shot at this great giveaway!

Sheila said...

I love the Medibuddy! How convenient! I also love that the large kit has an instant cold pack...I can't tell you how many times I could have used that!

paula h said...

It also has Anti-Itch Ointment in it.

Marianna said...

It also has anti-itch ointment - which is great for us! Lots of ticks, mosquitos, poison ivy and other itchy incidents with having two boys and living in the deep South! I also love the Medibuddy for on the go.... perfect for when we're away from home!

souldolphindream said...

I love that they have medibag for pets. How awesome is this!!!


What a cool site

Leslie S. said...

I love the idea of the medibag for kids.I also like the one time use thermometer.Thanks!

JamericanSpice said...

Another favorite would be Diaper Bag Buddy and something not mentioned is the coupon refill

Amy said...

I like the diaper bag buddy ...hmm one item not mentioned - eyewash

yellowlabs said...

I like the Medibag 4 Kidz. One item not mentioned-the burn gel.

Teresa690 said...

The diaper bag buddy looks great! I wish I would have had one for my kids! You didn't mention that the Medibag 4 Kidz comes with a coupon for a free 45 item refill kit. That is so great! Thanks!

Tylerpants said...

Love the Diaper Bag Buddy, what a great product! The Medibag 4 Kidz also has a Hypoallergenic First-Aid Tape Roll.

Brooke said...

Either the Medibag 4 Kidz or the Medibuddy for on the go... Instant Cold Pack are also in the bag...

trixpixel said...

I like the Diaper Bag Buddy, this is so handy! The Medibag 4 Kidz also includes Knee & Elbow Bandages

Barterbabe said...

Medi Pet bag how cute. Great ideas i will be back to see more.

Jammie said...

It comes with a coupon for a free 45 item refill how neat is that I love this kit it has everything we camp alot and this would be awesome for the car. Great give away

Jammie said...

http://twitter.com/Jammie79/status/1409487565 tweeted and following

Brenda S. said...

I like the medi buddy and diaper bag buddy. I am impressed with the product and the disposable one time use thermometer.

fly18grl21 said...

I like the Diaper Buddy the best. The MediBag4Kidz has tons of stuff you didn't mention the instant cold pack. I would find that comes pretty handy during a lon road trip with a headache.


Garner5 said...

The Medibag 4 Kidz is my favorite product. As a mom of 2 busy boys this would be some helpful for our family. One great item in the kit not mentioned is the Application Swabs. Thanks!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

janetfaye said...

Button on sidebar:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

mom2anutball said...

The diaper bag buddy is definately my fave! Also in the other kit there is the instant cold pack! Thanks for the chance! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Candie said...

I like the Medibuddy because it can fit in the car. The Medi Bag contains antiseptic wipes. Thank you


Naddez said...

Posted your button on my blog @ http://naddezsgoodycorner.blogspot.com/


Naddez said...

Tweeted @ http://twitter.com/Naddez


Sarah Z said...

I like the Medibag 4 kids and I like that there is burn gel and sting relief pads in the kit!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

Ardy22 said...



Cassie M said...

My favorite product is the Medibuddy! Something not mentioned in your review that the MEDIBAG 4 KIDZ has is Eye Wash!

Kaycee said...

I think the Diaper Bag Buddy would be really helpful! There are also tweezers included which is perfect for camping here in Florida. We get a lot of splinters in the woods! Thanks for the chance!

kayceewilliams at gmail dot com

susan said...

The diaper bag buddy would be a great gift for my cousin a new father to be!

Anonymous said...

I really like the Medibag 4 Kidz. I know the kit contains tweezers, bti I would add a tick removal tool and pocket tick identification guide.

kjmaje@gmail dot com

lilyk said...

I love the Medibag 4 Petz! An item in the Medibag 4 Kidz is the Instant Cold Pack.

KristenH said...

I like the Medibuddy the most. I would love to have one on hand especially since it has a sting relief pad and I unfortunately have a lot of bees around my home. An item not mentioned that is in the MEDIBAG 4 KIDZ is Eye Wash. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.

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