
Take the WAT-AAH! Challenge

Do you try and try to get your family to drink more water and less juice or soda? I recently found out about the WAT-AAH! challenge, targeting kids aged 5-13, which invites kids to choose water over sweetened drinks.
What's WAT-AAH!? It sounds like water, tastes like water, and IS water but it's ultra-purified with a perfect balance of minerals, and contains electrolytes. It's made specifically for kids by kids and their mothers, and is packaged in a kid-appealing container designed by, you guessed it, kids! (with their moms' help).

According to WAT-AAH!,
Most parents believe that if given a choice, kids will pick soda over water. WAT-AAH! thinks the opposite. In the month of March, WAT-AAH! will announce "The WAT-AAH! Challenge": mothers who participate in this challenge will receive WAT-AAH! samples with instructions to put the bottled water in the fridge, NEXT TO THE SODAS. Mothers will be asked to write, photograph or videotape their kids' responses and reactions to WAT-AAH! And if in fact they are drinking more water!
If you'd like to participate, email your entry photos or video to wataahblog AT gmail DOT com. The company will be awarding the top five entrants with WAT-AAH! products, t-shirts and other goodies.


Muthering Heights said...

What a cute idea! I drank water with added electrolytes in my second pregnancy (in addition having weekly IV's) to stay hydrated. It really helped!

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

I find that if i simply don't buy soda or juice my kids will drink water. The packaging on Wat-aah is great, so I'm sure kids will choose it based on that alone (kids are great consumers). I try to stay away from plastic bottles since they are bad for the environment, so I'm not up for the "challenge".

Veggie Mom said...

Hmmmmm...I already drink 2 Nalgenes (64 oz) worth of H20 already. Is it really worth it to make the switch?

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