
Weekend Contest Love: 11/28

Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? Ours was loud and crowded, but I loved it. I miss the hustle and bustle of my large family. My mom was one of 15 kids (yikes!) so I'm used to big crowds of related people.

Hope you enjoy the weekend, and that you enter some of the giveaways I've found around the web. And of course add your own giveaways in the linky below.


Midday Escapades said...

Woohoo - thanks for the linky! I have an ongoing Giveaways Galore Linky that everyone can use: http://bit.ly/jIbPb. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

sprtzmom1721 said...

Thank you!

I put 11/31 as the end date. ooops! Obviously it would be 11/30. LOL

Spamgirl said...

I've added your Linky to my directory of Linkys! Thanks so much for putting it up for us :) If you'd like to see the list, feel free to check out http://www.cancontests.com/linkies.html - and if you have any other Linkys or contest directories you know of, feel free to add them! Thanks again :)

whimsy*couture*sewing*tutorials said...

Thanks for the linky! Everyone is welcome to use mine as well! Always fresh on Wednesdays! http://whimsycoutureboutique.blogspot.com/2009/11/mcklinkys-up.html

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