
An Easy, Healthy Breakfast with General Mills

Breakfast is often a crazy part of my day. Thankfully Mr. Geek is an early bird and takes care of the details of SoJo's breakfast. I'm actually referring to my own breakfast as the crazy part. I get up about 90 minutes after the boys get up, and by that time, my daily list of chores and mama tasks has begun. Like feeding the cat and making a second breakfast for the toddler (does this happen to your children? Man, this kid is always wanting to eat). By the time I have done a few things, I'm looking for something quick to eat, which is usually a piece of toast or cereal.

My Blog Spark and General Mills sent me 4 free coupons to try some of their cereals. General Mills has reduced sugar in a lot of their brands, which is great news for parents who would like to cut back on the sweet stuff. We love our Cheerios around here, which are already pretty low in sugar, as you can see in the nutrition facts.
According to the info provided by My Blog Spark and General Mills...
  • Ready-to-eat cereals, including presweetened cereals, account for only 5% of sugar in children’s diets.
  • Ready-to-eat cereal is the No. 1 source of whole grains in a child’s diet today.
  • More frequent cereal eaters tend to have healthier body weights and lower Body Mass Index measures.
Studies also demonstrate the benefits of eating breakfast. A 1998 study showed that children who eat breakfast tend to perform better at school. Compared to children who skip breakfast, children who eat breakfast score higher on tests, are less likely to miss class or be tardy, have fewer reported discipline problems, and make fewer trips to the office.
For more information about kids and cereals, please visit Cereal Health and Wellness.

To get a printable, $1 off coupon for General Mills Cereals, click here.
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Thanks to My Blog Spark and General Mills for providing me with 4 free boxes of General Mills cereal to try out.


Happy said...

Seriously? I would have never guessed at those facts! I just told the kids I was going on a ceral buying strike because it's so expensive and it's too sugary!

HA! They'll be happy to hear I got my facts straightened out and a coupon!


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