
We Saw Elmo.

Like most 2 year-olds, Sojo likes Elmo. I don't know what it is about that red furry thing that appeals to kids, but when we were offered free tickets to see Sesame Street Live: Elmo's Green Thumb at the Susquehanna Bank Theater in Camden, NJ, we thought it would be a nice way to spend a Saturday evening.
And it was!...despite the horrific Philly traffic, both in and out of the venue--which ended up making us late, but oh well.
Sojo was a little shell-shocked, with seeing his favorite puppets live on stage, but we think he had a good time. He wasn't one of those kids singing or dancing in the aisles, but that's not the way he is (after all, he was birthed by introverted ol' me) He was extremely well-behaved and uncharacteristically quiet.
The theme was nature and garden-related, which appealed to me. The story involved finding a perfect spot to plant a flower that Elmo grew from seed and in the process, Abby ends up interfering and causing some problems. I won't spoil it for any of you who might be going to see this.
Even Oscar the Grouch made an appearance.My favorite part was when they sang the Ladybug picnic, which is a old-Skool Sesame song I still sing to this day.
My only complaint was that there weren't enough recognizable songs. When you go to a concert, you hope to hear songs that you love and are familiar with. There were a few but I think that kids would have appreciated hearing some of the songs that are performed on Sesame Street.
I think the funniest part for Mr. Geek and I was when they brought out huge bunches of Elmo balloons at intermission, then asked people to put the balloons under their seats during the show. Yeah, try doing that with kids.
We didn't buy one, but we also were snickering while watching errant ones float up to the ceiling. Might as well just fashion a paper airplane out of a 10 dollar bill and send it off into the air.
We had a great time, and it was a good "dress rehearsal" for our trip to Disney World this May. I wondered how Sojo would be in a dark theater, since he's a pretty sensitive kid, but now I know that he should be fine, especially after sitting through an hour and a half performance.

Sesame Street Live: Elmo's Green Thumb is currently touring the country. If you have a chance to take your little Sesame fans, definitely look into it--I'm sure they'll enjoy it. And here's a special offer: A 4-pack of tickets for only $48! Or receive $3 off tickets by logging on to www.livenation.com and entering the coupon code "Ernie".
Disclosure: Thanks to VEE Corporation and Comcast -Spectacor for providing free tickets to our family.


Braley Mama said...

What a sweet time with your little SoJo. My daughter is the same way at things, sits quietly and watches. It is so sweet to watch them enjoy something like that!

laura said...

Wow.. that looks like so much fun. I can't wait to start doing things like that with mine. (i am praying for yo gabba gabba to come around here in the fall!). Have you ever been to Sesame Place? I remember going there when I was little and thought it was the greatest thing..

Naomi said...

you're a good mama for sitting through one of those... I made my parents take the kids to a Thomas show, just couldn't do it...

TheEclecticElement said...

That little face says it all! LOL That cheesy grin just emits a shining good time :)
I'm glad that you ALL enjoyed your trip to the theater!!

Victor | UPrinting said...

I think Elmo is waaay cooler than Dora and Diego combined! :-)

It must be the red fur and voice that make Elmo memorable to the kids. I think in terms of personality kids can relate to Elmo than the other monsters who do display a more adult persona.

Muthering Heights said...

Awww. I'll bet he LOVED that!

Lily is the same way...she just takes it all in. :)

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