
Weekend Contest Love 9/11

Why is it that late summer/fall is always such a busy time of year? I just can't keep up with all the great festivals and events going on. We went to a local chili pepper festival yesterday (yum!) and will hopefully be heading to an apple fest today, where we plan to pick a bushel or so for storing this fall, and make some applesauce. Plus I'm trying to deal with these today, canning them into salsa,
along with continuing to paint the living room--a task that just won't end. Too much to do, not enough time.

Sorry to ramble on, but my lack of posting has caused some pent-up writing to come out. I feel like I'm puking words! Hope you're enjoying the weekend! Link up those giveaways below.


Bonnie said...

Hey, good luck on your salsa! I just love salsa. I have made it from scratch, but I have never canned it. Funny that you are cooking with tomatoes today because I am also cooking with tomatoes today...I am making my homemade pasta sauce with my tomatoes from the garden. I'll be freezing it in dinner sized portions. Have fun at the apple festival. sounds like fun! i want to go too!

OutnumberedMama said...

Thanks so much for the Linky! If you have a giveaway, you can add it to my giveaway Linky - Updated every Friday! THE BUSY WOMAN'S GUIDE TO SURVIVING MOTHERHOODIf you have a BOOK giveaway, you can add it to my BOOK giveaway Linky - Updated every Thursday! BUSY MOMS WHO LOVE TO READ

Naomi said...

We did pizza sauce with our tomatoes/oregano/basil, I highly recommend it! Any suggestions for the overabundance of pears we're battling? My kids are anti-applesauce so I can't just puree them.

Tina Peterson said...

Hi! Thanks for the linky - I'm following you now & would love a visit when you have a spare moment! Thanks! Tina "The Book Lady"

(Be sure to share YOUR favorite fall/winter HOLIDAY recipe from YOUR blog (it's a linky)

Chic Crafty Chick said...

Thanks for the opportunity to share my giveaway. Hope you are having a great weekend!

Busy Working Mama said...

Thanks for the linky - I'm a day late :) Good luck canning, too! I've never tried it but I love to make fresh salsa from scratch. Have a lovely week!

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