
Baby Month: ERGO Baby Carrier {Giveaway}

One item that I'm extremely excited to use with my upcoming baby is the ERGO Baby Carrier. I've wanted one of these since my son was born, especially since unlike many baby carriers, this one can be worn in a variety of ways--on the front, back, and hip.  I'm eager to use my Organic Dark Chocolate with Kona Coffee lining with this baby, especially because it will span the child's entire infant-hood and beyond.
I'm not sure what my husband and I would have done without our front carrier (not an ERGO) when our son was born. It was often the one reliable way to calm him down, by snugging him in it and taking him for a walk.  I know the ERGO will be a lifesaver with 2 kids, especially when pushing one in the stroller and being able to carry the other, hands-free.
I actually tried out my ERGO by carrying my 37lb 3 year old in it, on my back of course, (prior to being 7 months pregnant) and the Ergo is surprisingly comfortable.  No surprise, considering it has some of the best reviews for baby carriers that I've read by moms and dads.
Getting used to fastening a child into the ERGO Carrier is a little tricky at first, especially because you're so concerned about latching everything correctly, but once you get the hang of it, it's comfortable to wear and I felt secure, even with a preschooler on my back! I'm sure the baby will be even easier to manage.
ERGO Carriers comes in a variety of styles, fabrics and colors, and ERGO makes accessories like backpacks, pouches, and the Infant Insert, which I'll be buying for use in the first 4-6 months.  The Infant Insert allows you to use the ERGO for even the youngest babies by specially cushioning their floppy little heads.
I'm really looking forward to using this carrier with my baby, especially knowing that I can continue using it much longer than our front-only carrier.
The kind folks at ERGO Baby are generously offering one lucky reader
An ERGO Baby Carrier of your choice!
To Enter
Visit ERGO Baby and leave a comment here naming your favorite carrier (including color) as well as why you'd like to win this. 
Extra Entries (you must complete the first mandatory entry before doing the extras.  Also, leave a separate comment for each one):
  • Blog about this giveaway or share via your Facebook page and leave me the link (2 entries)
  • Subscribe to my updates
  • Follow my blog publicly via Google Friend Connect
  • Add my Baby Month button to your blog (on my far right sidebar)
  • If you're a Fan of Katydid and Kid on Facebook leave a comment letting me know
  • If you're a Fan of ERGO Baby on Facebook, leave a comment letting me know
  • Follow @ERGObaby on Twitter (leave your Twitter handle)
  • Follow @katydidandkid and tweet this giveaway, leaving a link to your tweet in the comments. You can tweet once per day (leave a comment each day). You can copy and paste my tweet if you'd like: #Win an @ERGObaby Carrier  http://goo.gl/fb/T9gS0 @KatydidandKid #Giveaway
US mailing addresses only.
You must do the first entry in order to enter ("I want to win, thanks!" comments will NOT be considered). You will have until Sunday May 22nd at 11:59pmEST to enter. The winner will be chosen via random number generator the next day and notified by email.I'll also post the winners on my blog HERE. If I don't hear back from the winner within 72 hours, I'll pick another. 
Disclosure: I did not receive a sample product nor was compensated for this post. I simply like this product and wanted to share about it with my readers.


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Candice said...



icancunha [at] me [dot] com

Candice said...

FB like of ERGO Baby on Facebook!

icancunha [at] me [dot] com

Candice said...

FB like of katydidandkid on Facebook!

icancunha [at] me [dot] com

Kerry said...

I'd like to win this so I can wear my baby that's due in September.

I like the ERGObaby grey performance carrier

alsatia23 at hotmail dot com

Kerry said...

like you on facebook - kerry gibbs
alsatia23 at hotmail dot com

Kerry said...

like ergo on facebook - kerry gibbs
alsatia23 at hotmail dot com

Kerry said...

follow ergo on twitter - @kezzygibbs
alsatia23 at hotmail dot com

Kerry said...

follow you and tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/KezzyGibbs/status/68297328171290624

alsatia23 at hotmail dot com

roadtomotherhood said...

If I won I would chose the Organic black carrier with black lining

roadtomotherhood said...

Forgot to add - I'd like to win because I have a Baby Bjorn and not too happy with it! I'd love to try the Ergo!

Jessica said...

ERGObaby - Baby Carrier - Organic Twill Dark Chocolate with Kona Coffee Lining and would love to win so I can wear baby 2 while I keep up with the 2 yr old.

Jayne @ Mimi to Tee and Bee said...

05.11.11 Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/oneinpurpose/status/68321582870839297

Elizabeth B said...

It's a hard choice between the grey Performance carrier and the red Sport carrier. I have been wanting one of these for a while to carry my little one on my back. I've heard these are more comfortable than most carriers.

Elizabeth B said...

I follow you on Twitter and tweeted!

Mama Chocolate said...

5/11 Tweet:
jccchocolate at gmail dot com

Lara + Chris said...

Visit ERGO Baby and leave a comment here naming your favorite carrier (including color) as well as why you'd like to win this.

I love the Performance in green! I'd love to win this for our LO due in July. I've heard amazing things about them!
largirl at yahoo dot com

Lara + Chris said...

Follow my blog publicly via Google Friend Connect

Following! largirl at yahoo dot com

Lara + Chris said...

If you're a Fan of Katydid and Kid on Facebook leave a comment letting me know

Fanned! Lara A. H.
largirl at yahoo dot com

Lara + Chris said...

If you're a Fan of ERGO Baby on Facebook, leave a comment letting me know

Fanned! Lara A. H.
largirl at yahoo dot com

Lara + Chris said...

Follow @ERGObaby on Twitter (leave your Twitter handle)

Following! @largirl
largirl at yahoo dot com

Lara + Chris said...

Tweeted and following!


itsme said...

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/68366537504989184 tweet

Leilani said...

I'd like the ERGObaby spring green performance carrier. Thanks!

leilanisauer at gmail dot com

Leilani said...

I'm a Google reader subscriber.

leilanisauer at gmail dot com

Elizabeth B said...

Daily tweet!

Chany said...

Tweet from yesterday

Elizabeth Pyo said...

Baby Spring Green for me please! :) I would like to put babe on my back when we go hiking in Kauai! I don't think the stroller will work :(

Elizabeth Pyo said...

tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/babypyo/status/69105540537647104

Chany said...

I love the Organic Highland Navy Plaid Baby Carrier, and I so want to start wearing my little guy when we go out for walks.

lamabisca said...

I friended you on facebook

lamabisca said...

I shared your facebook page

mummytotwoboys said...

Visited Ergo and my favorite carrier is the Organic Twill Navy Carrier - Midnight Lining

Link :http://www.ergobabycarriers.com/babycarriers/item/BC12TOM/

I would love to win because I am expecting a baby next month and have a 2 year old so my plan is to use a carrier for the baby and stroller for my 2 year old.


mummytotwoboys said...

Shared on Facebook



mummytotwoboys said...

Shared on Facebook



mummytotwoboys said...

Following Ergo on Twitter (mummytotwoboys1)

mummytotwoboys said...

Follow you on Twitter and tweeted



wrcalehmann said...

I would like the performance in grey. I have the grey one w/ the stars, but would LOVE to win one as a shower gift for a friend due in Sept. She and her hubby are pretty active which is why I'd prefer the performance and grey b/c it's neutral so hopefully her hubby will wear it too :)

wrcalehmann said...

Shared on fb here: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/jessicalehmann/posts/1807506504504

Jayne @ Mimi to Tee and Bee said...

05.13.11 Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/oneinpurpose/status/69126539605835776

Ames said...

Baby 2 is due any minute now and I've been checking these out...

ERGObaby grey performance carrier is my favorite

susanlanai said...

daily tweet ~ http://twitter.com/#!/susanlanai/status/69141969531707392

Eve said...


quacklynn at gmail dot com

Heather M said...

Spring Green Performance OR Galaxy

hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com

Heather M said...

Follow Ergo on Twitter hmahan_0529

hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com

Moonglow283 said...

i like the organic ergo in river rock and i would love to win this one because i have an ergo sport and it's my hands down favorite baby carrier and i would love to try the regular kind and have a spare to keep in the car. my son never likes to be put down and i am always stuck somewhere without a carrier for him!

amandaeknittel at gmail

Moonglow283 said...

shared giveaway on fb - Amanda Herman


amandaeknittel at gmail

Moonglow283 said...

follow you through GFC - Amanda Knittel Herman

amandaeknittel at gmail

Moonglow283 said...

tweeted - moonglow283


amandaeknittel at gmail

Rachel said...

dakotaring at yahoo dot com

MammaRachel said...

today's tweet


alissa said...

i like the chocolate brown color! i have a daughter but hope to have a son in the future, brown is gender neutral!

tubbytelly said...

5/13 tweet http://twitter.com/#!/_tubbytelly/status/69197034325950464

tubbytelly said...

5/12 tweet http://twitter.com/#!/_tubbytelly/status/68852932040331265

✿Heather S✿ said...

My favorite is the ERGObaby spring green performance carrier! I would love to win because I have been wanting to try the new Ergo! Thank you so much for the chance!
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said...

I follow Ergo on twitter as hell_0kitty
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

✿Heather S✿ said...

I follow you on twitter and I tweeted!
mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

itsme said...

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/69219603255013376 tweet

Heather said...

Daily tweet:

Anonymous said...

I like the organic brown colored carrier

Meredith said...

wuera_mermaid22 at hotmail.com

Tiffany said...

I want the Organic Ergo Twill Dark Chocolate with Kona Coffee Lining.

etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

Follow ERGO on twitter. IamMrsWilkins
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

Follow you & tweeted.
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Meredith said...


Elizabeth B said...

Daily tweet!

graceInk said...

If I won, I would like the Organic Highland Navy Plaid carrier.

I would like to win, because the only carrier I have now is the Moby and I'd like something for when he's older. I've heard really good things about the Ergo :)

graceink at yahoo dot com

graceInk said...

I follow your blog via GFC as Carolyn H

graceink at yahoo dot com

graceInk said...

I'm a fan of Katydid and Kid on Facebook (Carolyn Hughesman)

graceink at yahoo dot com

graceInk said...

I'm a fan of ERGObaby on Facebook (Carolyn Hughesman)

graceink at yahoo dot com

graceInk said...

I follow @ERGObaby on Twitter (@Graceink)

graceink at yahoo dot com

graceInk said...

I follow @KatydidandKid on Twitter (@Graceink) and I tweeted:


graceink at yahoo dot com

itsme said...

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/69447689179381760 tweet

Mama Chocolate said...


jccchocolate at gmail dot com

Eve said...


quacklynn at gmail dot com

Dani said...

I would love the performance carrier in spring green.

I have an original ergo and simply cannot live without it. I would love a second so that when we go hiking and geocaching this summer my husband can carry one child and I the other. I think the performance would be great for this.

danellefrench at gmail dot com

Dani said...

following the blog on GFC

danellefrench at gmail dot com

Dani said...

fan of K&K on facebook
(left a comment)

danellefrench at gmail dot com

Dani said...

fan of ergo on facebook

danellefrench at gmail dot com

judithelenore said...

I like the performance baby carrier in spring green!

Mommy said...

Why I would like to win- We have 3 active little boys. The oldest is 3 and the youngest is a year old. I am currently pregnant. I would love to be able to wear both of my younges 2 around the house and walking around town. We already have the 2 bigger boys riding in either the double stroller or the waggon but will need another option for the younger babies. I have heard rave reviews on the ERGO and would love to try one!

If I won I would love the organic river rock green! It is pretty yet also something that isnt so girly that my husband would feel odd wearing!

Thank you for the chance!

cristy_curuncha AT hotmail DOT com

judithelenore said...

i follow you on twitter and tweeted

Amigala said...

i'd love to have the organic desert bloom ergo carrier!

fxfire21 at hotmail dot com

JanineYoung said...

I would, absolutely, love to win the Organic River Rock Green carrier because I'm a taller mama who has maxed out her spending allowance on carriers trying to find one that actually fits. Sadly, after I've purchased four different carriers the Ergo has been suggested. I've tried it on, and ta-da IT FITS! I'm saving my pennies but it will be awhile before one is mine... (unless I win of course!)

JanineYoung said...

I'm following @Ergobaby on Twitter


lace said...

My favorite is the Organic Twill Dark Chocolate with Kona Coffee Lining. I'd love to win as I've never tried a Soft Structured carrier and the girls are getting bigger. I've heard this one is great for older kids.

Jessie said...

I would love the Galaxy Grey Original carrier. I would love to try this carrier, as the one we currently have hurts my back. I have heard great things about ERGO :) (buxtonjessica@yahoo.com)

Moonglow283 said...

tweeted - mooonglow283


amandaeknittel at gmail

susanlanai said...

daily tweet ~ http://twitter.com/#!/susanlanai/status/69561644392529920

Sara @ Mom Endeavors said...

Hard call--either the original or sport in black! Have a one year old & this would be SO great for hiking with him, not to mention when baby #3 comes around! :)

Social Worky Family Girl said...

OMG I love them all. They are top rated and I REALLY want one! I think I would choose the gray performance (i think my husband would like that best, i just want an ERGO of any kind!)

swfamilygirl at gmail dot com

Social Worky Family Girl said...


and follow you as @swfamilygirl

swfamilygirl at gmail dot com

Hands Full said...

I have had an Ergo for 4 years and LOVE it!!! I need a new one, big time. My favourite is the Organic Twill, Dark Chocolate. Pick me!!!

Hands Full said...

Shared it on my Facebook profile:

Rachel said...

dakotaring at yahoo dot com

tubbytelly said...


Ambabya said...

I like the Spring Green Performance carrier. I'd like the carrier for my new baby!!

Ambabya said...

I'm a fan of Ergo on FB. amy m carlson

amybabya79 at yahoo.com

mummytotwoboys said...

Daily tweet



Ambabya said...

I follow you on Twitter @ambabya

amybabya79 at yahoo.com


Meredith said...

wuera_mermaid22 at hotmail.com

Meredith said...

i liked u on fb as meredith chaf
wuera_mermaid22 at hotmail.com

Meredith said...

liked ergo on fb as meredith chaf
wuera_mermaid22 at hotmail.com

Meredith said...

follow u on gfc as meredith c
wuera_mermaid22 at hotmail.com

Heather said...

Daily Tweet:

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