
Weekend Contest Love: 9/25

Tonight I'll be making and canning applesauce along with our small, local mom's night out group--we meet at my house tonight.  I hope all goes well...you just never know what surprises you might be in for when you start canning.

It's stinkin' hot here (again!!) in the Northeast, and frankly, I'm through with summer. I just want cool breezes and nice sleeping weather again. Hope things are going well your way, and add your giveaways to the linky below.


Kathy Thomas said...

Thanks for the linky!
Show off your giveaways on my front page
all week -open now!
Garden of Giveaways

dustinnikki said...

Thanks for the linky! Feel free to link up with us at DustinNikki Mommy of Three!


TheEclecticElement said...

Have fun canning tonight! We actually JUST started experimenting with canning and I find it very fun xD

Thank you for the linky!

Everyone is welcome to link up on my site as well:


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