
Time Saving Tips from Bank of America {Giveaway}

One of our credit cards is though Bank of America, and I must say that we've been pleased with their services--particularly their fraud prevention initiatives.  We've had our card number stolen on 2 occasions, and both times Bank of America made it extremely simple and hassle-free to have the fraudulent charges canceled.

That being said, I was eager to share some of their time saving tips for this holiday season.
Bank of America has come up with a few ideas to help us get back some time this holiday to spend with our family and friends, all while keeping us on track with our daily routines.
1.  Receive instant account balance alerts: Don't worry about making an extra stop to the bank during all of your holiday shopping.  Keep track of your spending by using Bank of America's Online and Mobile Banking and receive instant alerts if your balance is running low. (online banking was what alerted us immediately to our stolen credit card number).

2.  Babysitting or playdate exchange: Gain kid-free time to make your way through your holiday to-do list by coordinating a playdate exchange with another family.  (I LOVE this idea).

3.  Find a holiday helper: Save time and relieve stress by finding a holiday helper to assist with household chores and last-minute errands.  Don't hesitate to ask your normal sitter, cleaning person or a neighborhood college student who is home for the holiday stretch.  And don't be afraid to delegate household chores to your own children home for winter break!

4.  No more backtracking!: A lesser-known "route planner" feature on MapQuest helps you save both time and money by mapping out an entire journey - with multiple stops - all in one convenient step.  You can add up to 25 destinations along any route, and the tool gives you the fastest route.

These are great tips, and can certainly help free up some of your precious time.

Need a little extra cash this time of year?  I have a
$50 Bank of America gift card 
for one lucky Katydid and Kid reader!
To Enter
Leave a comment telling me your best time savings tip for the holidays (or any time of year, for that matter).
Extra Entries (you must complete the first mandatory entry before doing the extras.  Also, leave a separate comment for each one):
  • Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link (2 entries)
  • Subscribe to my updates
  • If you're a Fan of Katydid and Kid on Facebook leave a comment letting me know
  • Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect
  • Follow @katydidandkid and tweet this giveaway, leaving a link to your tweet in the comments. You can tweet once per day (leave a comment each day). You can copy and paste my tweet if you'd like: Win A $50 Bank of America gift card from @katydidandkid Ends 12/26 http://goo.gl/fb/aRVEp

You must do the first entry in order to enter ("I want to win, thanks!" comments will NOT be considered). You will have until Sunday December 26th at 11:59pm EST to enter. The winner will be chosen via random number generator the next day and notified by email. I'll also post the winners on my blog HERE. If I don't hear back from the winner within 72 hours, I'll pick another. 
Disclosure: This contest is hosted and fulfilled solely by Katydid and Kid. I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Bank of America and received a Bank of America preloaded gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.


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Shellie & Brutus said...

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Eileen said...

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ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

mandala said...

I compare prices online and shop online in between chores (while waiting for laundry etc). If I need to go to the store, I go in the morning when it is not so busy and have a list of things I need to get so I don't have to make several trips.
mandalarctic at gmail dot com

mandala said...

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mandalarctic at gmail dot com

Deanna G. said...

I save time by doing my shopping online. No stores/lines.

(email in profile)

Deanna G. said...

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Deanna G. said...

I follow @katydidandkid on Twitter as "calidreamin87" & I tweeted the giveaway:


miriama said...

I shop online AND I pay bills online, and both are big timesavers.

Mel W said...

I do my holiday shopping online! Saves time waiting in lines and lets me browse in peace!

candy said...

I try to buy wrapping paper, boxes,tags etc. the day after Christmas to save money and time for the next year. wilcarvic

mail4rosey said...

I wake up an hour earlier than anyone else and it's amazing what a time-saving difference it makes for me.


mail4rosey said...

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Christina said...

Christina - xristya@rock.com - I make lists of anything I need to buy, in advance, and keep these lists in my purse so that I'm never in a shopping situation cold!
It really saves a lot of time!

clynsg said...

Use the internet for shopping--if you pick up gifts throughout the year, it can really add up in time savings during the actual holidays.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

Nicole Greene said...

I do 90% of my holiday shopping online so I can avoid drive times and time wasted in long lines. Leaves more time for family :)


Nicole Greene said...

I Follow on twitter @pittsy82 and tweeted http://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/19074427668930561


BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

I order stamps online from the post office or buy them when I'm at the grocery or Walgreens. I absolutely hate waiting in line at the post office and ours is always crowded!

kngmckellar said...

My tip is to shop in October and November then it won't be so stressful.

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kngmckellar said...


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Barbarawr said...

I shop the sales and stock up when there are good prices!

Email address is in blogger profile

Barbarawr said...

I like you on facebook - barbara wright

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Barbarawr said...

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Lisa said...

In the summer when I'm doing yard sales I plan out my route in advance. msmith572@yahoo.com

Lisa said...

blogged: http://insanityisforthelame.blogspot.com/2010/12/katydid-and-kid-time-saving-tips-from.html

msmith572@yahoo.com entry 1

Lisa said...

blogged: http://insanityisforthelame.blogspot.com/2010/12/katydid-and-kid-time-saving-tips-from.html

msmith572@yahoo.com entry 2

maxfate said...

I like to keep the pantry fully stocked! It cuts out trips to the store, and I always have something on hand for unexpected company.


maxfate said...

I'm following on Twitter, and Tweeted (maxfate)


maxfate said...

I Like Katydid and Kid on Facebook (Mary Somerville)Thank You!


faithfullyfrugal said...

I shop during off times. I will go to the store early in the morning before most people have read the paper and had coffee. (I can also leave the children home with daddy which saves time and money)

Thank you for the entry,

nikkidavissells at gmail dot com

faithfullyfrugal said...

I am an email subscriber.

Thank you,

Nikkidavissells(at)gmail (dot) com

faithfullyfrugal said...

I am a gfc public follower as Nikki Davis.

Thank you,


faithfullyfrugal said...

I tweeted giveaway,



gnwg said...

I save time by researching purchases online before I go into the store
ziggyga athotmaildot com

gnwg said...

I like you on facebook stephanie a....
ziggyga athotmaildot com

gnwg said...

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ziggyga athotmaildot com

naturegirl said...

Keep things simple by paring down your gift giving list. There are probably friends and family that you have always exchanged gifts with, that would be glad to stop the tradition. For the gifts that you do buy, shop online or shop at one stop shopping centers.

Natalie A. said...

Tweet http://twitter.com/natdey/status/19112436632133632

coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com

Betty C said...

My best time saving tip is unique to those who work late hours. I get off work at midnight so I do my grocery shopping on the way home. The store is pretty empty and I'm not wasting gas or time by making an extra trip.

Betty C said...

I follow on twitter and tweeted.

Diane52 said...

Never go into a grocery store hungry, without a list, without coupons and don't buy items at the ends of aisles.
Diane Baum

susan1215 said...

I didn most of my shopping this year online and if I went to the store I went early in the morning

s2s2 at comcast dot net

Allison said...

I try to shop online as much as I can to prevent unnecessary trips and running around all over town


amyd said...

shop online,saves time and money!

pattycake said...

follow and tweeted Latest: Win A $50 Bank of America gift card from @katydidandkid Ends 12/26 http://goo.gl/fb/aRVEp less than 5 seconds ago

susansmoaks said...

to save time i do my shopping on my lunch break
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

msrodeobrat said...

i get up an hour earlier all holiday season to get things done
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

ShesAnAngel said...

My best time saving tip is to do whatever you can online...pay bills, shop, make appointments, shop for insurance, it's all quicker online!


Lynn said...

I try to do as much of my gift shopping online as possible. Saves me driving and waiting-in-line time.

rawrms at gmail dot com

ShesAnAngel said...

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Mari said...


runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Mari said...

I subscribe to your updates.

runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Mari said...

I am a FB fan (Mari Doug)

runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Janet and Maya said...

I make lists so that I minimize the number of shopping trips I make.

janetandmaya at yahoo dot com

Janet and Maya said...

I blogged


janetandmaya at yahoo dot com

Janet and Maya said...

I blogged http://giveawaysonblogs.blogspot.com/2010/12/50-bank-of-america-card-at-katydid-and.html\


Janet and Maya said...

Following you on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/JanetandMaya/status/19214395544444928

janetandmaya at yahoo dot com

kathy pease said...

my family all help with the baking and cooking that way everything isnt put on one person..things go much smoother when everyone has a job to do :)

kathy pease said...

like you on facebook kathy l pease

kathy pease said...

google friend klp1965

Tabathia said...

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Candie L said...

Have a plan before you leave for the store. It is not good to go up and down each aisle. Thank you


ladyt64 said...

My best saving tip is to check the internet for the item you are looking for to compare prices. A little research could save you a lot of money.

brianpiero said...

Thanks for the giveaway...we plan our shopping trips with military precision, making sure to allow an extra "time cushion" to deal with potential traffic, inclement weather, etc.

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

brianpiero said...

Following you via Twitter: @brianpiero
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/brianpiero/status/19229587481296896

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Heidi V said...

I wash with cold water only.

heidivargas [at] live dot com

Atreau said...

I cut out coupons and stock up on sales for items that I use a lot.

Pamela S said...

I shop all year round during sales and put things away and mostly I do TONS of shopping online. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com

Jennifer M said...

Order online as much as possible. I even get my diapers online so I don't have to make trips to the store as often.

ms-texas said...

i did most of my shopping online and made sure to compare sites for best prices and sales


purango said...

I shop at times that the stores are not busy. You can shop at a 24 hour store early in the morning. garrettsambo@aol.com

Gaines7 said...

Early in the morning I take care of the house hold tasks. I also will take a drive or walk by myself after work to clear and organize my thoughts. Most of my days are "pre-planned" and I strive to be consistent. Certain organized routines saves time.
I am following, liking, joining and subscribing. Gaines7@Twitter, Jacob G. Simmons@Facebook
Thank you for the opportunity.

dvice12 said...

My best time savings tip for the holidays is to delegate whenever you can

Rachel said...

Thanks for having this giveaway.

to save time I try to check online or over the phone first to see if an item is in stock before heading to the store.

Cha Ching Queen

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