February 26, 2024

Homesewn Baby Sling and Boppy Pillow Cover

So it's been a long while since I've submitted an entry...why? I certainly have free time now waiting for Soren to arrive. I think I just spend more time reading other people's blogs rather than detailing all the minutia in my life.

Today though, I was busy sewing. I made a baby sling and a matching cover for my Boppy pillow. I've been looking for a sling for a while, and I loved the ones at Polkadot Platypus and Karma Baby, but as a semi-decent sew-er (nothing has ever fallen apart on me, despite uneven seams and other minor ugly mistakes), I couldn't see spending $50-$75 on one.

The Karma Baby website had some easy instructions, which seems counterproductive to their goal of selling their own slings, but I really really appreciated their sharing the simple pattern. Jan Andrea also shares her patterns and provides some links too. This took me about an hour to make, and I even learned how to sew a French seam! Ooh la la!

The Boppy cover I made with the leftover fabric, and I'm not so thrilled with it. Out of laziness (a theme for me!), I didn't put a zipper on it...actually I should say it is out of fear, as I have never sewn a zipper onto clothes before. Instead of a zipper, I hemmed and overlapped the fabric in the center on one side, so I could slip the pillow in between but still hide it in the case. It worked ok, but it was a struggle trying to nudge the pillow in. It definitely gave me a little practice in wiggling a baby into poorly designed but adorable clothes. The case is also a bit large and loose in some areas, but I am intending to wash it so it should shrink a little. Let's hope I can get it back on the pillow!

I'll post some pictures tomorrow, as it is pretty gray and rainy today and I worry my camera won't show off the pretty fabric so well.

February 4, 2024


Finally I've gotten around to starting up another blog after deleting my last one. Hopefully I'll update this one more often.

What's the theme of this one? Babies, crafts, decorating, cooking...pretty much whatever comes up. This will be a place where I'll post pictures of the newest member of the family, little Soren, who is due in March.

Why the name Soren? The name comes from the Danish Existential philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, an influential thinker in both my and my husband's life. Soren means everything from "good communicator" to "serious/severe" to "auburn-haired boy," which if he looks anything like his mama, he'll fit the last description. The serious/severe part we can blame on his dad.

And one more thing, in case you were wondering. The Katydid thing is a nickname my Uncle Steve used to (and still calls) me from when I was little, since my name is Kathleen. And the kid, of course, is Soren.

So, welcome and away we go!
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