May 1, 2023

Friday Featured Blog: Green Mama's Pad

I love clicking over to Green Mama's Pad every day to see what Marianna has going on. She just had a makeover, and her blog is looking great! Green Mama's Pad is full of all things green (duh) and Marianna shares wonderful tips on eco-friendly parenting and living and is always trying to make her life more "light" on the environment without being preachy. Here she is!

What is your blog about?
My blog is all about being "green." I like to share going green tips, things that I am doing to change and great eco-friendly product reviews.

Where does your blog title come from?
Well I wanted something that would convey that I am a mom who is going green and that the blog was a fun place to hang out. So I added "pad" in there and thought it would be cute to have a lily pad theme to go along with it.

When and why did you start your blog?
I started my green journey back in 2007 and I thought it was time to share what I had learned with others. So in January 2009, Green Mama's Pad was born. My goal was and still is to help others make changes that are better for themselves and the environment. If I can help just one person make a change, then I my blog is a success.

What would you like to add to your blog in the next year?
At the moment I am pretty satisfied with where I am at. I'm trying to pace myself and not take on too much, especially with baby #4 on the way. I am however looking forward to finding cool green products for pregnant mamas since this is my first time being green while pregnant.

What are some of your favorite blogs?
This is always such a tough question, I have 81 blogs that I subscribe too! Well I of course I love Katydid & Kid. I am still in awe of your birthday party posts. My twins' birthday is in 2 weeks and I still haven't sent out invitations! Let's see...I also love Green Earth Journey and The Ohana Mama. Oh and for theories and fun things about Lost, I love Dark UFO.

What is one of your pet peeves about blogs or bloggers?
When I find a really cool blog to follow that drew me in with great posts and then all of a sudden they stop posting. I get so disappointed.

What advice would you have for any new bloggers?
Have fun with it! The minute it stresses you out you need to take a step back and reevaluate. And reach out to other bloggers for tips and help. Every blogger I have met has been awesome!

What is something that people might not know about you?
I am both a hockey and Star Wars nut. Yes, I'm a super geek. LOL. I absolutely love reading Star Wars books, I've got a ridiculous collection. My 4 year old is already obsessed with both hockey and Star Wars as well. If he's not running around with a lightsaber then he's running around with a hockey stick.

Thanks Marianna!


  1. I concur! I can't understand when people shut down a blog! Argh!

  2. Nice work and a good pick for April. I will check it out.

  3. Great interview! I will checking out her blog. Thank you Kathleen for introducing me to another blogger.

  4. Another great interview, came by yesterday but your blog had that weird widget error thing. Glad it's fixed now I can catch up! :)

  5. Woot woot. I did her blog design. I am so happy to see her featured here. She is an awesome blogger.


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