November 30, 2023

Katydid's Favorite: Spread the Love

Don't you love finding something you love, right in your local area?  I recently found Melanie Linder's sweet little Etsy shop, Spread the Love, which is filled with gorgeous illustration.  Much of her artwork has a Pennsylvania Dutch-inspired look to them, which of course appeals to me since I live in Dutchie Country.  Melanie also creates customized invitations via her other shop, Love Your Invite.

Spread the Love is having a 20% off sale from now until January 1st, so definitely head over there and purchase one of Melanie's wares.  I got myself a wedding banner (seen above) as a Christmas gift for Mr. Geek and I.

But I'm thinking that balloon would sure look nice in our home too.  Or the piggie!


  1. Oh wow! I absolutely ADORE those prints!! Especially your wedding banner-It's SO my taste.


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