
Katydid's Favorite: Klutz Books {Giveaway+2 winners!}

Klutz Books and I go wayyyyy back. Though I didn't grow up with them, I love Klutz books. When I worked in retail through high school and college, the places I worked at often sold these fun and educational books and activity kits. I actually bought a few for myself, like the Face Painting Book ($24.95), which I've used at Halloween and for face painting at fairs and events.
It's such a cool and easy book to follow, and you don't have to be an artist to follow their simple instructions for creating professionally looking designs. I love that it comes with everything you need, like paints and a brush, which is typical of all Klutz books. Since Klutz books are geared towards kids, the photos and steps are clear and easy to understand.

The Klutz repertoire of books ranges from arts and crafts to science and building to games and travel and beyond. There's truly something for everyone of all ages.

I was sent the new Fancy Friendship Bracelets Book ($19.95), which targets ages 8 and up, to try out. What a fun book!
It comes with all the supplies you'd need, including charms, cord and beads. It brought me back to my middle school bracelet tying days, but this book has so many more designs for bracelets. I learned some more cool techniques that I wish I would have known back when I was selling bracelets in the school cafeteria (would have cut out the competition!).

Here are a few of the spreads from the book. I love the girly page designs too.
As you can see, the illustrations and instructions make it easy to follow.

Klutz is sooooo generously by offering 2 winners 2 books (one to keep and one to give away). So that means if you are one of the two winners, you'll actually get
2 Fancy Friendship Bracelets Books!
one to keep and one to give away.
FYI: you won't receive your book in time for Christmas, but it still would make a great after-Christmas gift.

To enter:
Visit Klutz and leave a comment here with your favorite item other than any of the ones mentioned here.
Extra Entries (leave a separate comment for each one):
  • Become a fan of Klutz Books on Facebook
  • Blog about this contest (2 entries--leave 2 comments)
  • Subscribe to my updates
  • Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect
  • Post either my regular button or favorite things button on your blog
  • Follow @katydidandkid on Twitter and tweet this giveaway, leaving a link to your tweet in the comments. You can tweet once per day (leave a comment each day). You can copy and paste my tweet if you'd like: Win 2 copies of Klutz's new Fancy Friendship Bracelets book (2 winners!) Keep one book and give one away http://bit.ly/6EvBTO @katydidandkid
US Postal addresses only.
You must do the first entry in order to enter ("I want to win, thanks!" comments will NOT be considered). You will have until Wednesday December 30th at 11:59pm EST to enter. The winners will be chosen via random number generator the next day and notified by email. I'll also post the winners on my blog HERE. If I don't hear back from the winner within 72 hours, I'll pick another.
Disclosure: I was given a copy of Fancy Friendship Bracelets to review.


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Leslie S. said...

I want to get both volumes of the The Encyclopedia of Immaturity for my family.Thanks!

Sahm Lee said...

I like the Cat-isms book. Thanks for the contest!

Aidan&AdisynsMom said...

I love the Knitting klutz book


Aidan&AdisynsMom said...

got your button


Aidan&AdisynsMom said...

follow via google


Candie L said...

I like the LEGO Crazy Action Contraptions. Thank you


Laureen said...


lmarston AT yahoo DOT com

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